Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So, I'm home sick today.
Which means??
Writing time!
Which leads too...?

I reached 50k words!!!! (I'm 24 words over right now, haha.)

I'm actually not done with the book yet, but that's the most words I've ever written (actually, that goal was made as soon as I passed 35k, but that's besides the point!).

Too bad I couldn't have done this for NaNo, but I don't have any regrets. Maybe I can write it's sequel next year!!

Anyway... just had to share that news.


P.S. - and excerpt:
The sun had fully risen behind the mountains, making the sky a pale blue. I speed walk to the practice fields where a group of twenty cadets, ages eleven to thirteen, were fiddling with their swords. I grab the hilt of my own, spread my legs out, and regard them with menace. “Listen up! Swords are not toys, they are your life! Take care of them!” I yell.
They start when they see me. I scan my eyes around the crowd. I knew most of them. Some were knew. And there was... “What are you doing here?” I ask Talen.
“Commander Evans told me to start my training early so I could catch up faster.”
“I see. Well, that’s great.” I turn to face the entire crowd. Talen looked odd since he was taller than all of them. I was tall myself, but he was then half a head taller. “Today we’re skirmishing with each other. Everyone grab a partner and assume stance four. Practice stances six, seven, and nine. Once I approve move onto twelve. Capiche?”
An echoing chorus of “capiche” answered me.
I nod. “Get to it!” Soon Talen was standing alone while the other cadets started. I sigh. “You need a partner.”
He shrugs. “I guess.”
I try not to smile. Why would I smile? There was nothing to smile about. Yet I found myself holding back a smile. “Alright. I’m your partner. How much training have you had with a sword?”
“A bit.” He regards his flat bladed pig steel used for practices.
“Alright. Come at me.” He looks at me as though he’s not entirely sure I mean what I said. He gets his answer as I unsheath my own sword, also flat bladed, and point it at him. “Attack.”
He lunges, sword out. I easily step aside and clang my own down on his, forcing him to stumble to keep hold of the sword. He rights himself and turns back to me.
I beckon him with my hand. “Try again.” Again he lunges, and again I side step and being my sword down. “You’re not taking this seriously. Come at me like I’m about to murder you.”
Again he strikes out, but this time it was a feint. I move to block up front as he drives for my stomach. I back step to the left and spin, barely holding back from cracking the heel of the handle on his head. This was only practice, I have to break that habit.
“Okay, that was clever. Now try to actually surprise me.”
He looked angry, but it was practice. He was getting frustrated, which might improve his fighting. He fingers the sword for a moment, before stepping forward towards me. I fling my sword up to block an attack, but none comes. He had done another feint. I nod approval. “Good. Now actually attack.”
He lunges forward and our swords clang. I look down at his feet. “Good footwork. But you need to work on actual sword technique.”
I spin his sword around and thrust my elbows back, shoving him away. “A sword is not your only weapon.” I do a tip thrust and Talen barely manages to avoid it. “Dodging, elbowing, kneeing, your whole body is a weapon.” I fly around him and smack his shoulder blades lightly. “Speed is also your ally.” Again I was in front of him and holding my sword sideways to his breastbone. “There are many attacks with a sword, but they only work if you know your body.”
He spins and brings his hands up and shoves me away. He keeps me at sword point as we circle each other.
“Using your body. Good. Now, position four?”
I move my feet and raise my sword.
“Stance six.”
My sword flies forward, narrowly missing his head.
“Stance seven.”
A defense. I move my feet together and bring my sword close to my body. Talen’s attack bounces off.
“Stance nine.”
I back away again to regain my footing. My foot finds a solid spot where I could jump from. Talen was watching me keenly.
“Stance twelve, final attack.”
I lunge forward. My sword flies to Talen’s wrists and his own sword goes flying from his grip. The tip of mine rests at the nape of his neck.


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