Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is all coming to a close soon

Okay, if you say that and at first thought that I'm quitting I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are.

So continuing, what I mean is that SOS is almost done. I have part seven, part eight, and it all ends in part nine. I got it all planned out. However there is a twist in part eight, it consists of four mini parts because of what happens in it.

Then part nine wraps it  all up.

I know how it ends too.

You guys may think it's a little cruel, cause I know that if I was reading something like this it would drive me insane and make me want to smash the computer then throw it out the window. So then why am I doing it to you guys? I don't know.

And for those of you who haven't read GWB part three it's up in the last post, I posted it yesterday. Lucky you guys! Two story parts in two days!

So here is chapter six of SOS.

It's unedited. I just finished about a minute ago. No joke. I'm in study hall and have nothing to do so I finished chapter six and am posting it now.



Chapter Six – the words of esmerelda
It was panic outside.
Wizards were swarming around, yelling, screaming, frightened. But of what? I look up at the sky to find it darkened and dreary. A storm cloud for sure, but not a friendly, calm one like all Diviners could tell.
What’s going on...?” I whisper to myself. Then I remember... great evil... arise while I search... Nathan... Chrons... Athol...
I start pushing my way through the crowd. Whatever was going on was bad. As I do I try to focus on whisper chatting Alric. He must know what was going on. He had called me out here.
Alric! Where... are you... what’s... going on?”
However, to Alric, who was near the Fair, he only heard: ‘Alric! Where... you... going on?’
Suri!” he responded. “Where are you?”
I focus all my might on getting a entire whisper through. “Outside library. Where are you?”
Near the Fair. You want to come quick. Somethings on in Golem Court.”
Okay, be right there.”
I start pushing my way through the crowd. I get to the edge of the pond where no one was running. What was wrong with the pond? Fearful but curious, I stick the toe of my boot into the water.
A little but of steam comes from my toe and I quickly pull it out again. Some of the fabric was eaten away.
A sudden thought comes over me. Acid in water. That’s usually what happened before a volcano erupted on a mountain lake. Sulfur dioxide would contaminate water. Was that what was happening?
And earthquakes. The small tremor I had felt in the library causing the shelf to fall. Those were common to. But there were no volcanoes in Wizard City. There was only the one in Dragonspyer.
I gasp and stumble back. My hand finds a stone house and I balance myself against it. Was the volcano there erupting and causing damage here? And if the volcano was erupting then that meant...
Could the dragon Titan be awakening?
And what had happened at Golem Court?
I start to edge my way around the pond. Since people were staying away from it the crowd was much less. Everyone seemed to be running towards Ravenwood or the Pet Pavilion. Finally I make to the Headmaster’s Tower. I edge my way along there towards the Fair Grounds. The number of Wizards running about like a bunch of headless chickens had gone down to about 250. Which was still a lot.
Alric!” I yell. His head pops up from behind the platform Sabrina Greenstar usually stood on. I go over to him. “What’s going on?”
The tower. Golem Tower collapsed.”
And that’s not all. The pond as turned into acid.”
Yeah, I saw that. Burned the toe of my boot off.”
And there’s more,” continues Alric.
More? What could be more?”
He takes a breath. “The three streets. Fire Cat Ally, Cyclopes Lane, and Triton Avenue. They’re all gone.”
I stare at him open mouthed and gaping. “What!?”
He nods. “And not like everyone as vanished as the schools. There is seriously nothing. To go there it would be like walking off a cliff.”
How could such a thing happen?”
Before he could answer we both shot our heads up to look at the sky at the sounds of a explosion. A huge, glowing rock comes hurtling out of the sky and lands with a ‘bang’ in the pond where the acid promptly starts eating it up.
Another one comes down and takes out a tree.
What’s happening!?” I yell.
Something must be exploding!” Alric yells back.
Those rocks are pyroclastics, like from a volcano. Could the one in Dragonspyer be blowing up!?”
Neither of us saw the one coming from behind us.
We never had a chance to react.
And with the searing pain of a hundred burning fires we were crushed under the weight of the biggest flaming rock of them all.
I hear my name being called. But I could not answer. My body felt made of lead. I couldn’t move.
Suri?” says the voice again.
I force myself to move. Just a little. I force my eyes open. Pain. It was all around me.
The pain shatters. Relief washes over me. I sit bolt up right and look around. My eyes were still blurry but I was able to make out someone next to me.
Oh thank goodness! You’re alive!” says Alric happily.
I look around. “Where... where are we? What happened?”
Well, I believe we were hit by a meteor. But somehow we ended up here. Where ever ‘here’ is.”
Of course that sentences tipped me off.
We must be in a Place of Nowhere,” I say.
I sigh. “Really Alric? Nowhere. We’re nowhere. Hence the name Place of Nowhere.”
Oh. How do we get out?”
We have to break something. But we have to wait until we find the voice. She’ll tell us something important, then we break something, and then we get out.”
Is this, by chance, where you went when you fell over the side of Elik’s Edge with that Nathan guy?”
I pause, then nod. “Yeah. It’s not really something that happens all the time so I like not to think about it. Though I’ve already been in this place twice. Now this time makes it three.”
Whose the voice?”
I don’t know.” I look around. We seemed to be on a brick rode. Hills of multicolored sand dunes rose and fell all around us. “Guess we start walking,” I say finally. Alric nods.
We walk in silence. There was no sound save our footsteps.
Suddenly we hear a loud dripping of water up ahead. It seemed to echo off some invisible wall. We give each other sidewards glances then start running. Why? I don’t know, some crazy force of fate and destiny combined probably. But at the same time there was a sort of hope to it.
We reach a large valley. In the center was a pond of green water, and there was a large, gray rock that was hovering above it. Yes, hovering above it. And from it dripped water. Green water I’m probably guessing.
There are some pretty weird things here,” I mutter. Alric only nods.
We start down towards the pond which was in a crater of some sort. Once we reach it I look around. There seemed to be a never ending amount of sand.
Check this out,” says Alric. I look down at him, he was kneeling next to the water. He reaches his hand into the water and pulls out a gray stone. But before I can ask what was so important that I had to tear my gaze away from a endless desert of no hope, it changed color before my eyes to a yellowish color with bronze spirals.
Eyes wide I kneel next to him. “How did you do that?”
I didn’t do anything. I just picked up a stone and it changed color. You try it.”
I reach my hand into the water and pull out a small gray pebble. As I watched it turned to a purple color with silver stripes, or was it silver with purple stripes? Oh well, it was like a zebra. But weren’t they actually, scientifically proved to be white with black stripes? Or was it...
AGH! Never mind!
Why do you think it does this?” I ask instead.
Again, he shrugs.
Then a genius solution comes to me like a lightning flash of inspiration.
Yellow and bronze. The colors of Myth and Balance.
He was a Chrons! Specifically one of Myth and Balance.
You are clever, Suri. Already you have found two Chrons.”
Who said that?” asks Alric.
The voice,” I say with a touch of pride. Already I had found two Chrons. Nathan of Death and Fire, and Alric of Myth and Balance. “Alric, I don’t really know how to explain it to you but you’re a Chrons.”
A what?” he asks, sounding dumbfounded.
A Chrons is a wizard with power is two schools. You have as much power in your second school as you do in your own school. But do not confuse it with your secondary school.”
Oh. So what two schools am I?”
From what Suri figured out not a minute ago you are Myth and Balance. Mynce, you are a Sorcjure.”
Myth and Balance. Hmm... Balance is my second school then?”
Then I have a question. “Hey voice, do you have a name?”
Silence. Had I offended her or something? “I do have a name. I was once a wizard like yourself. But I did something that was probably not the best choice and I forced to live out eternity in Places of Nowhere.”
But you name...?” I urge.
Esmerelda. Esermelda Silverwillow.”
I freeze. Alric gives me an odd look. “Why did you just freeze?”
Um... uh... no reason. Just... caught off guard. How– how did you get here?”
I was trying to stop my father. I thought that if I could send him somewhere he could never get out all would end. So I used the Rose of Interchange, and it’s power, to banish him to here. I thought that I was his only child, so without me and without him no one could take up the Silverwillow name.”
But you were wrong,” I say. “What happened?”
I had a brother I didn’t know about. Hidden from me. He continued his father’s work. I thought I could purify the line, but I was wrong.”
I soak in this information like a sponge. My family. This voice. Esmerelda, was my great-great-great-many-more-greats grandmother.
Of course I didn’t say that out loud.
The place started to give me the creeps. I wanted to get out of here.
So Alric is awakened and all that now right?” I ask.
Great,” is all I say. Before anything else can happen I pick up a gray pebble. But before it turns any color I burst it into a million pieces. With a air suction sound the multicolored sand dunes, green pond, and floating rock, evaporates around us and we come back to face utter destruction.
Houses were destroyed. The road was torn up. Fires raged everywhere.
What’s happening?” I whisper.
Alric was frowning. “It’s like the Era of Darkness all over again. Fires are first.”
Then what?” I ask.
I shudder. “Then the plague.” He nods. “We have to find the last Chrons,” I say strongly. “Whoever is behind this must be stopped.”
But who is?”
I pause. “If what you said was true, about this happening all before, than Athol must be behind it. Like Esmerelda said. Another one has come around.”
Who’s Athol?” asks Alric.
I look over at him with a grim expression. “Athol Silverwillow, Shadow Wizard and bringer of the last Era of Darkness.”
The solution had been in my mind for a while. Athol must be a Shadow Wizard, especially after I’d heard what Nathan had told me. The book he had read on becoming an Abiit. Of course he hadn’t known what it was talking about but when put together with what Harold the librarian had told me...
You had to live for three months out in the wild learning the ways of wilderness.
Athol had disappeared for three months. No one could find him.
Next you had to confess everything you felt to a spirit in a stone.
Athol was heard yelling in his room. Sometimes angry, sometimes calm.
Finally you have to give up everything, your school, your family, your soul.
Athol went to Ambrose and said we was leaving Ravenwood because he had found a better school with more advanced magic.
He became a Shadow Wizard.
The Era of Darkness began.
Of course how could I break it to Alric and Nathan that I myself was a Shadow Wizard? That my last name was also Silverwillow and in some way I was related to a mass murderer? How could I tell any of that to them? How would they feel? What would they do?
Suri, is something wrong?” asks Alric softly.
I give him a sad smile. No, I couldn’t tell them yet. Not just yet. “I’m fine. Let’s go find Nathan, tell him your a Chrons too now.”
Wait, Nathan’s a Chrons too?”
Yeah. He was awakened when we fell over Elik’s Edge. The last Chrons we have to find is of Life and Ice.”
But, what two schools are you then?” he asks, doing the math.
I’ll tell you later. C’mon.”
We start making out way through the rubble. I hope Delina and David are alright. And Cathrine.
Where are you?” I whisper chat Nathan.
Suri? Thank goodness you’re alright! I’m with my family in our second house in Marlybone. You may want to come quick.”
Alright. I’m bringing Alric. He’s a Chrons now. Myth and Balance.”
Great. Teleport.”
I grab Alric’s hand. “Nathan’s in Marlybone. We can stay there.”
I teleport to Nathan with Alric in tow. We land in an ornate living room in a small apartment. Why did this room look familiar?
Suri!” says Nathan happily. “Hey Alric.”
Hey Nat. Nice place.”
Thanks. Kind of dreary with the ever night but I don’t mind the constant fires.”
Yeah, I almost bought a Marlybone house once but decided against. I think I have a Krokotopia house one.”
I was silent. I had figured out why the room looked familiar.
It was where Calamity was hiding.
I break into the conversation with the question, “Can I use your bathroom?”
Both boys looked stunned, as if they couldn’t believe I had actually asked that. “Um, sure. Right around the corner,” says Nathan with a odd catch in his voice. Sheesh, boys. Every girl loved them yet they had everything wrong with them. That’s what I say.
I nod my thanks and hurry out of the room. I find the bathroom, close the door but don’t go in. I go I little further down the hallway to the basement door. Hopefully Calamity would be down there. Better I find her first than anyone else.
I sneak down into the darkness. “Calamity!?” I whisper yell. “You down here?”
Suri?” I here a whisper back. In the dim light I see a shape, Calamity, emerges from behind some boxes. “I thought you said this wasn’t a quest house.”
It’s not, it’s a second home to a wizard family. Thank goodness I know the family. Come on.” I lead her quietly back up the stairs and to the bathroom door. I could hear Alric and Nathan still talking.
Okay, I said I was using the bathroom. When I come out again pretend you teleported to me.”
She nods.
I go into the bathroom and flush the toilet. Then I come out and Calamity pops her lips, making the teleportation sound. I pretend to be startled.
Calamity! What are you doing here?” I say in a fake voice.
Oh, my house was demolished by a meteor so I teleported to you, hoping you were somewheres safe,” she responds, equally fake. Alric and Nathan appear around the corner.
Who’s that?” asks Alric.
This is Calamity Emeraldsword. She can stay right?” I say with a hint of do-as-I-say in my voice.
Both boys look at each other, to me, to Calamity, then back to each other. This goes for what seems like forever until finally Nathan says, “Su-u-re.”
Great!” I say happily.
I guess now since I have three extra guests I better go get the sleeping arrangements set up. Wanna help me Alric?”
What? Oh, ah, sure!”
They head upstairs. Calamity and me look at each other, and then she says, “I’m gonna go raid the kitchen.”
I nod. “Okay.” As she leaves I make to follow but something catches my attention. A small, black, book on the bookshelf. I tilt my head so I can read the binding.
Black Book of Doom
I probably shouldn’t have taken it from the shelf, but curiosity won me over and I did take it. Plus the title was weird. Exactly how many books are called that? Not many I’m sure. If you saw that book would your curiosity be spiked? I bet it would.
Taking it from the shelf I open the cover to the first page. It was a fat little book, but it seemed kind of light. I begin t read.
Chapter One
Once upon a time there was a world of light and life and growth. Then darkness came. Nothing but a night sky and darkness. No stars, no moon, no light, save a few candles people had saved.
And it continued like that. Dark and depressing for the first few pages until suddenly the center of all the pages were gone creating a sort of book box to hide something. No wonder it had been light, the middle was carved out for crying out loud!
Okay, I know I said that really calmly but truth is I started freaking out.
Cause nestled in those pages was a pocket watch.
I’m guessing that at one point it was a bright golden color but time as worn that away to a darker gold.
Hey Calamity, check this out!” I yell. She comes back from the kitchen chewing on a roll.
I hold up the pocket watch. “Look at what I found.”
But before she can make any move to come nearer the ground shakes violently and a ear splitting crack numbs my, you guessed it, ears. Alric and Nathan come stumbling down the stairs.
What’s going on?” yells Alric.
We all back against the wall. “Earthquake, I think,” Calamity yells back. After a pause she says, “a long one!”
Finally the shaking ceases and we take a glance out the window.
We all gasp.
Most of the buildings had collapsed and a huge crack spans the entire street. No monsters were in sight.
What was that from?” I wonder aloud. Though in my head I knew the answer: the great evil.
I bet Alric and Nathan knew it too.
I wanna take a closer look,” says Calamity. She bounds towards the door.
No wait! It’s not safe!” yells Nathan as we all chase after her. When we catch up to her she’s standing on the edge of the dark abyss the earthquake had created. “This isn’t safe,” repeats Nathan. “What is another one happens, we all go tumbling into nothingness.”
Like the apartment is any safer. See all those buildings? They didn’t fare so well,” retorts Calamity.
Now to explain what happened next can be put into three simple words: I. Hate. Fate.
Okay, I know lots of people who say ‘hate is a strong word’ so for your happiness I guess I can rephrase that into 13 words.
I strongly dislike fate with a fiery passion of a thousand burning suns.
How’s that?
Fate decided that there should be another earthquake right then an there and that me and Calamity should fall into the gaping hole already there and fall to ours dooms.
But we didn’t die.
And when we stopped falling I knew exactly where we were.
So let’s call that four times.
A Place of Nowhere.


Mean right?

I know, the ending is rushed. I was trying to finish tit. Just wrap up chapter six.

Since I feel like I need to say something else I'll have you know  that the next chapter (chapter seven) is called skipping stages two and three (it is uncapitalized cause I don't capitalize the chapter titles, so I know it looks weird, so just bear with me).

I'll be posting again soon!


Truth me told I'm more looking forward to the 2 hour lay over in London.


Tea! Crumpets! Scones! Must try them!
It's gonna be the highlight of the vacation.
Plus, did you know that the word Cappuccino is Italian? So they (the Italians) probably serve them all the time. Yeah! Hot chocolate and coffee every morning!

You're probably thinking: yeah, Emma, no. You're already way to hyper.

Okay, fine, I won't tell you about my hyperness. Or I'll forget and tell you anyway. I'll be posting every day while I'm there.


I got to go now. Study hall is almost over.


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