Monday, April 16, 2012

4 more days


So I have a nice, funny, little, comical relief for ya from SoS. Calamity Emeraldsword, introduced in the last chapter I think, has OCD. And I mean major OCD. We're talking the meaning-of-life kind of OCD here.


Anywho, here's chapter seven.



Chapter Seven – the metal of destiny
Great,” I mutter. I look around as does Calamity. We were in a field. A field of swaying green grass that tumbled over hills for infinity. A cloudy sky was above us and a warm breeze blew.
Where are we?” asks Calamity sounding scared.
Well before I answer that how about I say an obvious statement: you are an idiot. Now to answer your question we are in a Place of Nowhere.”
How can we be nowhere?” she asks.
Well, basically this is a pocket in the universe of Nowhere. Where you are in all term simply... nowhere.”
What about Alric and Nathan?”
Oh, they’re probably still staring down into the hole in the ground where we fell and will be until we find the voice and then we break something.”
Voice? Break something?”
Well, in every place of Nowhere I’ve been in there’s a voice. Turns out the voice belongs to Esmerelda Silverwillow, who used the Rose of Interchange one too many times and ended up here and is trapped for infinity. She became the Voice of Unspoken Truth and she answers out dying questions. Then she leaves. Then we, commonly I, break something and we’re out.”
Silverwillow?” Calamity frowns. “Wasn’t Silverwillow that guy who started the Era of Darkness? The fires, the famine, and finally the plague? Hence how I died.”
I nod. “Well... yeah. Basically. And I supposed that he’s the one behind the fires that happens not two hours ago in Wizard City.”
More fires?” Calamity explodes, sounding scared out of her mind.
Yeah. Fires,” I say, thinking back. “That’s why me and Alric went to Nathan’s. It was actually more like meteorites. Or pyroclastics from a volcano.”
Oh. So next is famine huh.”
We look around. The breeze makes Calamity’s blond hair fly behind her while mine is being whisked up like a blender.
Let’s start walking,” I say. She nods and we start in the direction where our hair is not in our faces.
Soon we come to a large gray boulder in the middle of the field.
I know this is it.
And as if one cue a soft voice resonates through the air. “Welcome again, Suri. And Calamity Emeraldsword. Due to your past visits I believe that this is the Chrons of Life and Ice?”
It hadn’t even crossed my mind. “I supposed,” I say shrugging. I turn to Calamity who was looking complete and utterly confused. “Nice one. I knew it was a good idea when to get you stuck in the in between world.”
She stares at me. “What?”
I am the Voice of Unspoken Truths. Calamity, you are a Chrons, a wizard with magical talents in two schools rather than one. And those two schools are Life and Ice. A Thaumagist of Lifice.”
And Alric is Myth and Balance. And Nathan is Death and Fire,” I add.
And are you one two?” she asks.
I nod. “Er... Storm. My second school is yet to be found.”
Suri... as the Voice of–”
Unspoken Truths I know. And let’s keep the truths unspoken. So.”
A silence. “Alright. But beware, your time is coming soon. As there will not be famine. The fires are ending now. No famine, now there is the plague.”
Calamity swears. “But at least there will still be food for the sick. That’s what gave us the plague last time: there wasn’t much food.”
I grimace. Thank goodness I had been living on earth during that time. No wait, this was before I was born. Or when I was very young. Yes... the era had been ten years ago. I would’ve been five.
Something stirs at the back of my mind. A memory from earth. What memory? What was it? A name. It was a name. Who’s name?
You okay?” Calamity asks.
I look over at her. “Someone’s name. Someone important. I’ve forgotten their name.”
Aww, that’s too bad,” she says, acting sympathetic, though she really wasn’t.
I try to think. What name was it? Who’s name? Why couldn’t I remember it?
It is odd,” says the voice softly. “I have never met a wizard from the realm of ‘earth’, and yet you seem to be forgetting memories from it. Why would that be?”
No,” I say. “I knew their name. I knew at one time. But I’ve forgotten it. I forget it a long time ago when...” I trail off. I couldn’t remember when. Otherwise I would remember.
Oh well,” I say, looking up. “I guess it doesn’t matter. Not like I’m going back there anyways.”
Wait,” says the voice. “Something is wrong in the Spiral. I can feel it.”
What do you feel?” asks Calamity.
I nod. I could feel it too. A slight unease in my spleen. No... not my spine, my spleen. Yes, the little white mushy thing in near your front. Spleen. Remember it.
Before the voice can answer Calamity interrupts with her own observation.
Hang on. I can feel it too...”
Nathan Deathblade and Alric Flame stared down into the giant hole in the Marlybone street. It seemed to never end, and as far as you could see was only blackness. There hadn’t been another earthquake and all was still.
You think they’re dead?” Alric asks.
Nathan shakes his head. “Nah.”
I dunno. Nothing kills of Suri that easily. ‘Specially falling down into a bottomless crack with pointy stalactites at the bottom.”
Well there’s a lovely thought. Suri and Calamity shishcabobs. Delicious.”
Both boys laugh.
Suddenly Alric tilts his head, as though listening to something. Nathan gives him a funny look. “Something wrong?”
Shh!” Alric hisses. After a moment he says, “I think I hear something.” He looks towards Nathan’s apartment. “From your place.”
They both look over at the house, then start walking cautiously towards it. Once on the first step of the door Nathan hears it too. A soft whirring noise, as if muffled through a wall. They open the door slowly and the noise grows louder.
What the heckhound is that?” asks Alric, astounded.
In the middle of the living room was a spinning object, about a foot long. It was sliver, and as it spun it cast a sliver line of light around the walls. It seemed to be a square or a flat piece of metal, due to the way it looked while it was spinning.
It can’t be... can it?” asks Nathan. He goes a little closer to the spinning metal.
What is it?” Alric repeats.
I don’t know, I found it a few weeks ago in this strange place with disappearing doors. It’s got all these intended symbols on them. I can’t read them though.”
Can’t read them now either,” mutters Alric. “I would’ve liked to look at them.”
Well you can. I made rubbing's of them.
Can you show me?”
Sure. They’re in my room.”
Alric followed Nathan up the stairs to his room where the whirring dulled. Nathan turned on the electric light, courtesy of the Marlybone home. He shuffled through some papers before pulling out a larger one with rubbing marks on them. He handed it to Alric. “This is the best on I got. And don’t bother looking in books, couldn’t find anything.
Alric looked the marks over. They made no sense. Not a shred of familiarity came to him. It was like an alien language.
Suddenly there was a soft shaking. Another earthquake was happening. A small one, perhaps classified as a tremor. It lasted about 25 seconds and nothing seemed to come from it save the loud thump that sounded from downstairs.
The whirring continued.
Nathan and Alric give each other looks before heading downstairs to see what the thump could’ve been caused by. They see Suri’s bag on the floor next to the table. It must’ve fallen off. A few things had spilled out. Namely a quill, parchment, an ink well, and small sheets of paper with thick writing on them.
Alric picked on up. “‘The Age of the Solarology Compass’,” he reads. “What’s a Solarology Compass?”

Nathan shrugs. “‘Mask of the Nearlion’. What is this stuff?”
Alric reaches into Suri’s bag (something he never would have done otherwise if he had not seen papers with such strange titles on them). Out came another few handfuls of papers as well as a thick book binding. All the pages seemed to have fallen out of the book.
That looks like an old book,” says Nathan. “What’s the title.
Alric holds it out so Nathan can see. The Invisible Box.
What’s an Invisible Box?” asks Nathan.
I’ve heard of it. It’s a box that is, as said, invisible. And infinite. You can put things in it and no one will ever find it. Of course, you can’t lose it either. No one knows where it is now of course.”
And Other Strange Objects Unknown to Wizards,” Nathan reads the subtitle. “What other strange objects?”
You mean like the Metal of destiny?” asks Alric smugly. He holds up a page.

The Metal of Destiny
There are such places in the universe known as Places of Nowhere. Pockets of nowhere where there is, to put simply, nothing. Each Place of Nowhere has a name, and the one that makes the Metal of Destiny is called Anvilthorn. In this never ending place of hallways, and changing doors there are two people who forge metal with one’s destiny on it. With the use of special magic that allows them to shape the climatic events of someone’s life. Next to no one has ever been in this Place of Nowhere, in fact almost no one goes into Place’s of Nowhere. It is merely by chance. Usually people who fall into Place’s of Nowhere have a very special destiny, shaped by the people who make the destiny’s. The destiny’s are written on what’s called the Metal of Destiny.’

Place’s of Nowhere? That’s where I was with Suri when I became the Chrons of Myth and Balance,” says Alric.
Yeah. And when I became Death and Fire. Hey, there’s something on the back.”
Alric flips the page over. Indeed, there was more writing on the Metal of Destiny on the back. They continue to read.

One cannot read the destiny written on the metal. They can only read it if the metal so chooses. Very few have ever had their destiny read.
If you are a lucky one to see your Metal of Destiny spinning, then you must read it before it slows down. This can be accomplished in three easy steps.
1) Find a blank sheet of paper. Hold it length wise.
2) Hold it up so the line of sliver light from the Metal of Destiny crosses through it’s center.
3) Step forward or back up until the words are legible. Read your destiny.
Once your destiny has been read the metal with either turn to ash or fall to the ground.’

The reading ended.
You think that’s a destiny metal?” asks Alric.
Nathan shrugs. “Only one way to find out.” He grabs a spare piece of parchment from the table and holds it up the spinning metal. The silver line crosses though it. It blurs through the paper, but fuzzy letters could be made out. Nathan takes a step back and they become clearer. Another step back and they’re even more clear.
Soon, after several steps, Nathan reads what appears on the paper.
Four wizards shall find / a darkness in their mind / following around with persistence / against the evil a resistance. Brought from a far place / they must learn not to haste / the fabric of space is worn / the Chrons of Shadow and Storm. Protector of the offender / unlikly they are the mender / the son of no liar / the Chrons of Death and Fire.”
Nathan paused. That last verse had sounded familiar. Why?
Keep reading!” urges Alric. Nathan sighs and turns back to the paper.
Met death on their birth bed / from a power of no end / the point of playful malice / the Chrons of Myth and Balance. The ice cage commanded / with a problem to be tended / from past they paid the price / the Chrons of Life and Ice.”
Now Nathan knew something was familiar about these poems. He had heard them before. Recently too. But where? He racked his brains for where he could have heard them.
Meanwhile Alric was saying, “Is is like a prophecy of some sort? I mean, with all the rhyming it should be something like that. But who is it about? Could it be us? I mean, I’m the Chrons of Myth and Balance. Your the Chrons of Death and Fire right? And Suri’s the one of Storm. But what’s with the Shadow? And who could Life and Ice?”
Suddenly he stops. He had just connected two and two.
Shadow,” he whispers. “Silverwillow. Hey Nathan, guess what Suri told me right before we got after we got crushed by a meteor. Athol Silverwillow was a Shadow Wizard and bringer of the first Era of Darkness. And now he’s back. And we have to stop him. But the prophecy said Suri was a Shadow Wizard, so is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
Suddenly Nathan remembered. “The voice! When I became the Chrons of Death and Fire the voice there repeated those last two versus. The one about Myth and Balance, and the other about Life and Ice.”
Okay. But who’s Life and Ice? I mean, maybe it’ll just be a coincidence that we end up knowing them, like how Suri knew you and me.”
Before Nathan could respond the door opened and in walked Suri with Calamity. “Hey guys, guess what?”
What is it?” I ask. I could feel the disturbance in the air, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it as to what it is.
It’s a quirk. Like, OCD or something,” says Calamity. “When something is out-of-place and you want to fix it but you can’t.”
You mean like, the order is messed up or something?” I confirm. Calamity nods.
Something is supposed to go in order. One two three. But what is supposed to be going in order just skipped the order. Like it went, one two four or something. But not even that. More like one four.”
Okay, enough with the likes!” I snap. “You mean stages, don't you? Fires, famine, plague. But this just went: fires to destruction.”
Yeah, something like that.” Then she pales. “Skipped stages two and the three!?” She grits her teeth. “OCD. OCD. OCD.”
That’s not the point here!” I all but scream. “It skipped over famine and plague! What happens after the plague?”
Well, if it’s like last time then it will just end and we’ll pull ourselves together,” responds Calamity.
Yeah, well this isn’t like last time! No famine. No plague. So this time it goes fires, then straight to destruction.” I’m getting stiff. The moment is coming. The epic show down with the bad guy, Athol Silverwillow, was coming soon. How soon?
No,” whispers Calamity.
I’m afraid Suri is right, Calamity. As we speak the Spiral is being chipped away. Golem Tower collapsed. The Three Streets are gone. It’s like the Spiral is trying to destroy itself.”
But why?” Calamity asks.
Because one is corrupted for power. He tried to control it. The power he wanted most. But he failed. And now it controls him.”
What power?” I ask, afraid of the answer.
Suddenly I feel like I’m breaking apart. My mental, emotional even, block against the fact that I really was a Shadow Wizard crumbled. Right then and there.
And of course since I was in a Place of Nowhere...
And something just broke...
Calamity and I were suddenly standing on the edge of the hole from the earthquake. Nathan and Alric were gone, probably back inside.
What did the voice mean, Suri?” asks Calamity. “About that Shadow power? Is it a school?”
Yeah,” I reply hoarsely. “It’s a school. And, it’s my school.”
You’re school?”
My school.”
You’re the Chrons of Storm.”
And Shadow.” I take a breath. “I didn’t want anyone to know because I myself wasn’t sure what kind of power it is.”
Well, I guess it’s okay now,” says Calamity with a smile. “I bet you Alric and Nathan are the other Chrons. That’s four of us now. Is that enough?”
A smile plays it’s way into my face. Right. All four of us were found now. “Come on. Let’s go tell the others.” I lead Calamity up to the apartment and we enter the door. The first thing I see is Nathan holding up a sheet of paper. The second thing I see is the pile of ash in the middle of the floor.
Hey guys, guess what?”

Stupid blogger.


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