Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pirate's Piece? (Pirate101)

Haha, just kidding. I'll explain in a moment.

Anyway, I've bee waiting to get back on here (blame the fact you have to pay to use the internet) and as soon as I do I find that KingsIsle has gone and made, or rather, finished another game.


Heather Raven and The Friendly Necromancer are also already talking about it. So for the past 45 or so minutes I've been exploring the sight. And it't looks

Anyway, who here has heard of the manga One Piece?

This is actually around the place where I am now. Anyway, the characters (from left to right): Zolo, Nami, name forgotten (it might be Chuck though...), Luffy (main character), Usopp, name forgotten , and Sanji. (Hey, I haven't read it in a week an a half.)

But here's why Pirate101 reminds me of Once Piece, because somewhere they mention the "Yum-Yum Fruit", and in OP there are all these different fruits called the Devil Fruits. Such as the Gum-Gum Fruit (the one Luffy eats), Slip-Slip Fruit (Lady Alvida), Chop-Chop Fruit (Buggy the Clown), Smoke-Smoke Fruit (Smoker), and others.

So Yum-Yum Fruit = copy.
The only thing wrong.

After looking through the classes (here) I've decided I want to be a Swashbuckler. For two specific reasons.

  1. The quote in the description "...sacrificing toughness for damage" is more or less the same as Storm. Okay, I know, maybe I should expand my options here but there's just this natural pull towards Storm that I love, and let's not get all emotionally sappy here but I'm sure anyone one else who plays W101 has the same feeling towards their school too.
  2. The book Epic by Conor Kostick. It's a really awesome book and I can't begin to explain it, but the main character is a swashbuckler.
Though I think that Buccaneer is supposed to represent Storm, but oh well.

However, if you can take a second school (which would be cool) I would choose Witchdoctor. Okay, if I were following my W101 path I would technically choose Privateer because of healing (so more or less like Life), but the aspects that Withdoctors have are pretty cool.

Wait, I just figured something out.

Maybe the companions you can gain as you play are "your second school", they have the powers you can learn so you have them learn it then help you.
That makes sense.

I have to say that Valencia is my favorite world so far. Sure, the game hasn't even been released but it's so much like Storm. Plus it's got Clockworks (even if they do turn out to be evil...).

See why I'm addicted to Storm? 'Cause it's awesome! (Not that I'm trying to be impartial or anything.... O.o)

The one thing I have to say I'm looking forward to more than Valencia is the music. KI has always out done themselves on the music so I expect nothing less from them now! Especially the Wysteria music, that is my far the best music I have ever heard.

The release date for the game is set for later this year, not yet specified. You can follow them on facebook and they also have a news letter about it linked there. P101 has a new fighting style too so make sure you check that out.

You never let us on.



You're on next time.

Uh oh, I'm picturing a story inspiration coming once I start playing...


  1. Heyy! One Piece!! That's an awesome manga, and I'm looking forward to P101 as well. (Also, the reindeer is Chopper and the blue-haired one is Nefeltari)

  2. Chopper, right! And I have no idea who Nefeltari is, but I know her as Vivi, princess of Alabasta.
    Glade your looking forward to it too! If a lot of W101 people play it, I hope to meet them there.


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