Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wizard101 Tournament?

I think I love this.
The concept and the commercial.

No, no, I'm not doing it, but I've been checking up on their website and I'm impressed. Personally, I also see this as a "who has the same name as me?" deal :)

Ok, just kidding (but I did see three Valkoor Spiritblade's - in a row!).

For those of you have read Rising Shadow chapter one, you've read all about my "Seven Schools Party" - which is all but a foreshadowed adaptation of this!! (I love that feeling of unintended premonition) - I talked about how lower leveled wizards have to rely on skill to vanquish enemies while higher levels only have to have power to vanquish enemies.

Now, I'm not say that no skill is required for you level 80's, but be honest, go bask to Dragonspyre of Celestia and fight a monster - do you need much skill? Nope.

Anyway, I have to say that point it proved right here - a level 50 Ice Wizard by the name of Kennet Ironblade is currently in first place.


That's right smack in the middle! That's lower than my level.

Ok, sure, they fight people in their level group, but nonetheless, you would expect more level seventies. You don't see your first level 90 until 19th place, and even before then there pops up a level 29.

Basically, in a nutshell, I'm quite interested in this now.


The prologue to Chasing Shadows is right below this...... *look down*

1 comment:

  1. Valkoor is 1 dude with many accounts. I wish KI would do something about him since he is so obvious. *sigh*


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