Sunday, August 25, 2013


If you haven't seen it yet, yes, I did spell World of Warcraft as 'World of Warfract.'  I spell things so wrong so often, places that have no spell check are my enemy -_- I'll find time to fix it, but for now you get the point.


See? It will be updated every month. For more info on WoW and other miscellaneous games, hop over to my second blog, just emma - GAMES.

As for P101, realms I'll be in are emptier ones on the back pages of the spell book (like page 4, etc). As for W101, since I don't have a subscription at the moment, I'll likely, either, create a new wizard and quest through the beginning of KT (which is as far as I have bought out with crowns), or be gardening with Emma (who would've seen that coming??).

Months with vacations (like Thanksgiving, Christmas) will have slightly different schedule's, so heads up for those months. I'll let you know which weeks those will be as well. I'll also make sure to inform you guys when a new schedule is put up.

I think I said this already, but in case I didn't, the podcast with Flint will hopefully have a new episode once a month. We're both students, and school start for me on wednesday, so we're both very busy IRL.



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