Wednesday, July 17, 2013

BUI (and some great news)

Ok, let me explain that means first before I continue: blogging under the influence.

In this case under the influence of Tylenol and left over valium.


Oh yeah!

I just got my four wisdom teeth pulled because apparently they're not wise at all -_- (Honestly, why are they called that anyway?)

My mouth hurts horribly right now, and I actually am attempting to hold packs of ice to my cheeks. The only good thing about this is all I get to eat is soft foods; so jello, icecream, and iced tea mostly (and I finished the best cheesecake in the world).

The even better news? Ok, other than being my good old insomniac self and playing Eden Eternal for the past six hours (more on that later), this is MY LAST MAJOR DENTIST TRIP.



For those of your who remember and for those of you don't, I made a post listing every dental-related thing that's ever happened to me. The list in a nutshell is: lots of teeth pulled, braces, and a root canal (from running into a wall; no, I did not bite the wall, I ran into the wall. In my defense it was pitch black...).

From now on it's all check ups and "lets make sure the retainers fit cause you're stuck with them for life!" *sarcastic thumbs up*

Oh dear, is it really 5 in the morning? I really should be getting to sleep now, but not before I tell you my great news!!

Ok, it's something that's bit more on topic for what this whole blog is about (you know, like, not me ranting about my teeth?). Remember when I briefly mentioned how the three games I play the most (WoW, W/P101, and EE) are so drastically different yet in some cases the same? And that I wanted to make a podcast/something-along-those-lines about it?


I'll make a longer, more detailed post about it, because I think it would be awesome to have guests and have people share their thoughts of various aspects of the games they play. You don't need to have played all 3 (well, 4...) games to participate. For example, I'll probably explain some part of EE and then have you compare it to something from a KI game.

Anyway, I'm pretty stoked to do this. I have a week and a half to hopefully get two episodes out before I'm shipped off to another summer camp (yay!).

(Yes yes, alright, I'll get pictures up as soon as I can. Now that I know mac screen shots work on parallels...)


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