Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Year

Happy New Year everyone!!

And today, to me, it has more meaning.
Four year wizversary!

Goodness me.... four years? Has it really only been that long? I thought for sure it had been five... But I joined in 2009, so I guess I can't argue with facts.

Ooh, but now I have another promise to fulfill: time to post chapter two of Black Ivy!! I'll do that in my next post.

First, let me reflect on last year...

Well, I met a lot of new people and made a lot of awesome friends in the blogger community (even if one left, which is very sad and leads to my next point). And with the "goodbye forever" from one of them, it made me think about how many others have left. I mean, there are the ones who go out in a big bang, and the others who fade out, thinking no one will notice.
But thinking about that reminded me of how many new bloggers have filled their spots. Not necessarily this year, but through the past four.

I also finished a book. WOAH! For me that's an accomplishment. A lot of other people also finished books, whether they're fanfiction for original, its still a big win.

We also had really good snow this year. The kind that doesn't stop falling, and sticks to trees, and really does make the world a winter-wonder-land.

I'm also starting off the new year with my first ever Myth alt.
Madeline Goldthief is the first Conjurer I've played. Ever. And because of that I have no idea what to take as my secondary.
I also have the plan to get on W101 at least once a week. My membership ran out, so that'll be renewed soon. I'm really no looking forward to going through Krokotopia again. Wizard City is the only world I have no problem with doing over and over and over. Sarai is the second ever in Marlybone, and Elizabeth isn't too far behind.

Hm, well I really don't know what else to say. Oh, I know! I can finally have my picture post of all the screen shots I took years ago! Obviously this isn't all of them, but there are too many to put up now, and most of them are pointless.

 Smogger. I wonder what he does...?

 My pet is in first place!!

 All power pips


 A momentous occasion

 Yes, I took the quiz and got every single school. What are the odds?

 How all the towers used to look like.

The current stat

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