Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yesterday and today combined -

- Into one big update!

Rather than talking about the intense trivia with Destiny (who, deservingly, won, congrats!), from which I was shaking when I couldn't type in the verification correctly (*dies*), I'm just going to post up every single screen shot that is sitting on my desktop before I move it to my (conveniently named) W101 folder and forget about it.


So! Here it goes:
(Sorry, I'm too lazy to crop at the moment.)

 She made it to Magus!! ^_^ (By finishing Wysteria.) Finally got to equip her stitched, Azteca clothing. All she's missing is new spell deck...

Notice, if you will, that spiral of the trophy remained, for a second or two, in the same place after I moved it. Thought it was cool.

I had to summon a minion to defeat Lord Bramble (Life wizard against two life guys, one who is a boss? No thank you...). Anyhow, look at the dudes/minions slash thing, cool huh! 

I won! (Of course.) I wonder what would happen if you died...

Side questing, cute little WS house! (Above and below)

What is this doing here...? 

He says in the winiest voice ever, like a child complaining to their mom that their friend was threatening to take their precious toy. Honestly, and we're trying to save you (TT_TT).

Now this guy's voice was pretty cool, said like a robot.  


Doctor Who fans... no, just no. 

I take it you're brothers...? Or a clone, though I dont think GH has that technology. 

Ok, ignoring all the screen shots on my desktop (I told you they were there!), this happened when the game crashed this morning. Dueling circle all zoomed out and whatnot. I had to force-shutdown the game :( But it was fine after.

And that has been my last two days!
I mean to edit the third (or is it fourth? Well, whatever chapter) of Black Ivy and post it this week. I have been so busy catching up on W101 and WoW with no school! I'm dreading the next week now... Ugh.



  1. Don't worry - if you get defeated in the tournament, you get to try again! :P

    1. Haha, I had a feeling that would be it XD Though sometimes I think that when you die during a solo/boss fight it should be "You lose forever!" That would be more realistic, but kinda beat the point lol.


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