Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An Epically Major Change

So, for those of you who don't know...
I have an epic story change,

1) I changed the ENTIRE prologue thing.
2) I am continuing the prologue in a extra chapter. A Bonus Chapter.
3) the new title of my story is: La Venuta Imminente
It means - The Imminent Coming in Italian I think??
So another story update is that I have a totally awesome idea for my story:
So in at least 5 different places, Emma is gonna say Silver Magic in a different language. The first is in the beginning in the new prologue. (I am so not telling you which it is). The second was just recently in the newest chapter. =D =P.


Great news!!!

In about 5-7 chapters, I'll be done!!!
I'm really close. All thats left is for Emma, Vanessa, Emily and Sabrina to get out of Earth, awaken Sabrina, Sabrina gets captured, Emily is awakened, save Sabrina, Emily looks into peoples pasts, Wizard City battle, Prophecy, Bonus Chapter (*evil* hee hee hee), climax, resolution, THE END!!
and thank goodness for spell check. My hands are having spasms. *sigh* not that theres anything wring with or nothing.
I got my cast off. BOO-YEAH!!
anyway, I gotta finish home work, lol yep! I'm procrastinating.



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