Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dungeons #1

So I've decided to start a story series on my lovely time (sarcasm) in dungeons. I'll do my best to remember and get the facts right, but I may be wrong in a couple of parts.

Okay, where to begin...?
How about Krokotopia.

Refer to my previous post about my hatred of Potbelly how I mentioned a dungeon in KT where I stuck with all guys (as the case always seems to be).

Specifically it was the final dungeon where you fight Krokopatra. And, for those of you who remember, to get to her spot you need to have two tests: one of strength and the other wisdom/aptitude. Well, fighting went just perfect. Simple, easy, four -vs.- one? That's cool that's cool.

And then the puzzles.

No offense against guys, but the three I was with couldn't communicate. Two were always trying to light up the obelisks and thus the portal never glowed. Note there is a VERY SPECIFIC ORDER to which they must be lit up.

The first two tests were... okay... I guess... (not really).

The third was a mess. During this time the fourth member of our group joined, and unfortunately he didn't have text chat, so the difficulty of communication doubled. I remember this time so well, I remember the order in which the obelisks were meant to be activated:
  1. SUN
  2. TREE
  3. SNAKE
I think the book told us something like this:
  1. The sun shines down on the tree.
  2. The tree shades the shades the snake.
  3. The snake hisses at the beetle.
  4. The beetle runs away.
And yes, apparently its JUST THAT HARD to figure out. And I know that its right, and I know that's what I said (and also because its on the dungeon guide on central). I don't know how many times I told them the order, yet every time they failed to activate the obelisks one at a time, because (I guess) they all thought he himself should be the one to do it.

See my problem?
Finally someone activated the portal and we finally got to Krokopatra where we left victorious. Then we proceded to Marlybone.
This happened in Katsenstein's Lab (speaking of MB) as well (linked with my feeling of despise towards Potbelly).

"Yes Emma, we get the point that you hate Potbelly."

Good! Then consider it mission accomplished.

And in other news I can't wait until my upcoming vacation week in which I will have two days all to myself, during which I will hopefully play P101 (if there is no glitch, in which case I'll play W101 and hopefully level up either Grace, Life alt, or Elizabeth, Balance alt).
Plus.... unlimited mashed potatoes!!!


Blogger is still doing something weird, hold with me for now. I'm sorry, I'm trying to fix it.

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