Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An Epically Major Change

So, for those of you who don't know...
I have an epic story change,

1) I changed the ENTIRE prologue thing.
2) I am continuing the prologue in a extra chapter. A Bonus Chapter.
3) the new title of my story is: La Venuta Imminente
It means - The Imminent Coming in Italian I think??
So another story update is that I have a totally awesome idea for my story:
So in at least 5 different places, Emma is gonna say Silver Magic in a different language. The first is in the beginning in the new prologue. (I am so not telling you which it is). The second was just recently in the newest chapter. =D =P.


Great news!!!

In about 5-7 chapters, I'll be done!!!
I'm really close. All thats left is for Emma, Vanessa, Emily and Sabrina to get out of Earth, awaken Sabrina, Sabrina gets captured, Emily is awakened, save Sabrina, Emily looks into peoples pasts, Wizard City battle, Prophecy, Bonus Chapter (*evil* hee hee hee), climax, resolution, THE END!!
and thank goodness for spell check. My hands are having spasms. *sigh* not that theres anything wring with or nothing.
I got my cast off. BOO-YEAH!!
anyway, I gotta finish home work, lol yep! I'm procrastinating.



Sunday, September 26, 2010

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it.

:D :D :D
Thanks Dustin, thats, you got that stuck in my head. :D :D :D

Anyway, this is just a picture post.
So sit back and enjoy!

Pets, pets, and more pets in the test realm. BOO-YEAH!

What the heck??


Who is me?
You are where??
lol. Me and 'Emma' being awesome. Confused? :D:D








Those last 7 were of me dressed in school colors on or off a mount in the corresponding school houses.

Hope you liked it!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It feels like everyone just dropped dead...

So, I haven't been posting a lot (been busy with school and such), and then um, Alex hasn't posted for over a month, and other people too, and it seems like Kestrel is just posting everything to make up for everyone's lack of posting---
It's just really confusing.
On a good note, chapter 11 is done, (incase you didn't know) and I get me cast off in 2 days.
THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get it off on monday. Yay me!!

I am reading a really good book. So all you book lovers out there, read it.
Theodosia and the Eye's of Horus
but read the first one first...
Theodosia and the Serpent's of Chaos
So great.

Laterz people!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stuff, Stuff, & more Stuff

Hey, I'm back!!!

Yeah so I got a FB and my mom and dad found out I didn't tell them so I got grounded from all computer. But I get to keep it, yeah!! Anyway, that's why I haven't been on here lately.


Yep. For those of you who watch AGT (America’s got talent) I'm sure I'm not the only one ticked off about this:


And I am




In fact, pardon me, I'm pissed.

I'm happy Prince Poppycock came in forth out of four but...

Fighting Gravity came in THIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackie Evancho came in SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that curly head 30 year old guy WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A black-light illusion act and a 10 year old opera singer better than a professional lost to a *****************************************************************************




Something I’d like to say…

Ok, this is way nicer.

I'm gonna talk about my favorite bloggers.

I don’t want to insult anybody so I wont do order. :D :D

I'll just go in random order. tee-hee.

1) The Shadow School of Wizardry

Thank you so much Kestrel. Because if I hadn't found her blog, I wouldn't know any thing about what’s going on in Wizard101.

2) The Wizard101 Addict

And thank you Alia for making me laugh. I mean, I laugh at a lot of things (especially pain, ha-ha) and reading things, I don’t usually laugh. But you Alia, you crack me up. Lol. Anything you do, say, write makes me laugh. And I’m thanking you for it because then I feel really good. And from what I’ve read about, you’ve gone through a lot, so that idiot jerk wizard Roslyn or whatever her name is, she stinks!! :D:D

3) The Divination Diaries.

Alex, you rock. I have never found someone so like me. I mean, I have friends with similarities, but not like you and me. The reading, music, writing, storm or all things! Thanks yo so much. You gave me something to look forward to reading (you and Alia [if you every post again]) and enjoying. You may live on a whole other continent, but who cares! You’re a close blogger friend, and I hope to be friends with in game some time too.

A Change.

So I have a change. A major change. An epic change. Please do not be alarmed by this sudden move. I mean no harmfulness by this. Ok, it’s not that big.

I’m changing the name of my story. Not by that much. Actually, just the language.

So I’m taking Silver Magic in English to Latin, but from English to Italian.

So now it’s Magia D’Argento. Really close, but not the same.

That’s all people!!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ok, great...

So this should be short/long so bear with me on my mixed emotions here.

I can log on to blogger now. (you all say: BIG WHOOP! Why is that so fascinating?) When I got my lap tob for xmas about a year ago, I could log on to here. But after 2-3 months, its stopped working. I would try to log on, but it would take 5-7 minutes to load... and then it is incapable or whatever. It was stupid. But now I can!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason I found out the above was because I made a new blog. 12 Songs -- coming soon. Visit it at It's about the 12 songs Emma plays on the harp in Argentum Magia. It's pretty new and dont expect me to be on it 24:7.

So Emma got to level 44. It's pretty sweet. I had a pretty good day. I wrote it on my wordpress, so I'll copy and paste it on here at the end.

I made a new wizard. Her name is Alia Dragonstrider. She is a Death Wizard level 2. I didn't have much time to play with her. And that means ... yes ... I deleted Saffron. (you: *GASP!*) Yeah I know. Big whoop with Lenora, but Saffron? I never dreamed of it either. But heres the thing... every single wizard I've ever had, except Lenora, has been an elemental, Fire, Ice, or Storm. It's not like I dont like elemental, I just realized I never ever had a wizard in one of the spirit schools before. So I am never ever doing myth, I just have something against them. And not Life because they just have, *cough cough* weak spells. So, why not try death? I think I had a death wizard once, cant remember what happened to her. I dont think I ever even played with her. haha, um, yeah. lol. xD

Here is my wordpress thing about the thing. Yeah. Maybe you remember. :D

Here is a list of what I’m gonna talk about…

• I Hate Grizzleheim

• I Love Grizzleheim

• I Hate Dragonspyer

• I Love Dragonspyer

• My Wrist

• Books You Must Read


First — I Hate Grizzleheim:

Ok, ever since i reached level 40, i had this dungeon quest in Grizzleheim. Its like in Nideviller something or other. It gave me 490 xp. So i think, small xp, easy dungeon. But i never tried it until friday. So this level 20 something Diviner named Delaney Star goes in. So i go in with her. We make it ok. At one point i get caught in a battle and she doesn’t join, b/c she got caught in her own battle. we both make it. so we get to the bosses… one has 1,050 health, easy enough…

2 OF THEM HAVE 8,000 HEALTH AND THE BOSS HAS 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, what the heck. So we do it, we die. we try again, we die. we try again, we die. we get help (a level 39 life wizard names Emma Winterblossom) we die. we do it again with her, we die. she calls for help on a grandmaster fire wizard,

WE SUCCEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i get a total of 500 xp for all that. ridiculous right???????????

Second — I Love Grizzleheim:

Ok, i just told you why i hate it, but now i love it. i got to Ravenscar, which is the final place in the world, and haven’t done much. So i start the day off with helping a friend (daniel i think) find the yard each world, you have to find a thing there. in wizard city its the smiths. krokotopia its the beetles etc etc. so in GH its the yard birds. so i need one in Vigird Roughguard and both in Ravenscar. he just need Ravenscar. so we find the tenth one and then goes off and does something else while i go and find the ninth one. i get the Vigrid one, talk to zeke and get my prize. so then i go back to Vigrid and daniel ports to me. he needs to find the yard bird here buts gets distracted with the totally awesome waterfall there. so then some grandmaster life wizard flys over (he has wings) and asks us to help him with the yard bird quest. then Delaney ports too saying she needs help. so i end up showing them practically every single yard bird in grizzleheim. it felt great. and their like thanks! and awesome! and i’m like welcome! thanks! so the the grand life dude is like I totally owe you. and i’m like you do? and he’s like yeah! so then i tell him i’m having a whole lot of trouble in Draginspyer which leads to the next one…

Third — I Hate Dragonspyer:

so i’ve beed stuck here for like ever and its getting on my nerves.

Forth — I Love Dragonspyer:

so the grand life guy helps me with this battle. we win and i report back to whom ever. then i have to fight this boss. and this is all in The Plaza of Conquests. the whole idea there is trying to get a recommendation for this job some place else. so the boss is storm. the battle starts off with me first, some grand dude second, some noob dude third, and another grand dude last. and the last grand dude starts mouthing everyone off. so then both grands leave. and another grand comes (he is so awesome. he is a lvl 50 Grandmaster storm wizard). so then then the noob leaves and another noob comes back. so its three storm wizards against a storm boss. not that hard actually. so i help the grand storm guy. its awesome. AND ON TO THE GRAND CHASM!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i get pretty far here. everything’s going good. so now i have to do this dungeon which puts me back in time to before the dragin Titan took over. the sky is blue not red. the trees are actually there and there is water instead if lava. so thats the dungeon idea. i’m not sure what i’m supposed to do actually. guess i’ll find out on monday when i do it! lol.

Fifth — My Wrist:

its doing awesome. my cast is orange.

Sixth — Books You Must Read:

The Shamer Chronicles. books are good. if you cant read them twice, obviously they arent as good as you thought. but if you can read them more than twice, no other book will ever satisfy you better. I’ve read them every year i was CHMS. its a series of 4 books. i just finished the first one.

Pardon spelling. hehe.

Thats all folks.


~The Very Happy Emma§

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Epically Epic Things Happening In My Life

Believe me, this is epic.

Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been really busy with LOTS of things.

So I had an epic life involving tragedy happen in my life on Friday of last week, but I will get to that.

School started today.

Because school started, i will be blogging less.

Because I am blogging less will mean I will be on wizard101 less.

Emma finished a quest. But did not level so I feel sad
Because KI's presidents daughter was struck by lightning so he was mad and has to ruin it for all of us!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!! DID YOU SEE AMERICA'S GOT TALENT!!!??? there is this one 10 year old girl named Jackie something and she sings opera!!!!!!!!!!
on youtube, search: Jackie E **her last name should show up** semi-finals.
and watch it.
Also search: Fighting Gravity Semi-Finals.
Also amazing.

you want to know what happened to me now??
oh too bad, gotta wait some more

I still search to find a way to get chapter ten up. If your getting impatient, sorry, I'm trying my hardest.

ok, I'll tell you what happened now.
*cough cough*
I broke my wrist.
Yep yep.
Its a Buckle Fracture. On my left radius.
And I really HATE the splint they gave me. It goes PAST my elbow and is bulky and it was like 98 out side.
*drops dead upon the floor*

New Emma Out fit. She had a total make over:

and we are having technical difficulty, so the pics are at the top.
She also got behind the grate in olde town.

Thats it for today.