Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Second Thoughts

Okay, I just realized as of five minutes ago that today is the 25th, the day I said the remodeling would go live. However, now that I'm staring at it face to face... I don't know whether I should do it or not.

What got me thinking was W101 itself. I was playing it yesterday. Aka, I created a new character named Sarai Rainflower, a Life wizard. Aka, I transfered all the items from my other characters and deleted them (Suri, Grace, and Fallon).

And I've been working on Black Ivy a lot recently, and it reminded me how much W101 fanfiction showed me that W101 is not just a game, its a community. A community that's very hard to leave when you consider the choice.

So... I'm gonna delay/maybe-cancel the remodeling. So if your waiting in this lane, no green light is coming any time soon so I advise you to switch lanes.

I know how you're probably feeling...
I feel the same way.

On a happier note:
I took lots of pictures yesterday. Most of them consisting of the Snow Beast pet that FINALLY hatched. I do say that it is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen. It's like a blue chinchilla with bat wings. It flies, but sits when idel. It also curls up and sleeps for a few seconds. It gives Ice Blade as a baby, so I gave it Sarai, who's taking second in Ice.

If I could make this face, I would.
(Just ignore the sinking ship in the background)

Anyway, I was going to get on again today but the rabbit chewed on the mouse chord, so now we have no mouse. Thankfully my mom and I are going out to super-grocery-shop (buying things in large quantities) at a place that sells things from cans of chicken to plasma screen TVs. I think we can find a mouse there.



  1. Elizabeth GoldenThistleJuly 25, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    Yay! I'm glad that you're staying, at least for now. I used to follow someone else's blog, but when it was about all their other games too, they almost never posted about W101 anymore.

    1. Thanks!! I'm glad you're glad. Makes me feel even more glad.

  2. Emma, I am with you. The W101 community is very very difficult to leave. It is a wonderful place and I am glad I am in it, and that you are in it.

    Also, I'm loving the new header, for what it's worth.


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