Friday, July 27, 2012

Sarai's Quest episode one

So Sarai is starting on a quest. She's looking around the Spiral (currently only Wizard City) for people who look alike, and how many there are. She'll be starting the next time on.

So as a quick update, I'm going to a summer camp next week. ALL of next week, so I won't be posting for a while. A long while. But I was on for four hours today, but all the pictures are on the other computer, including the one of the Snow Beast!

It was all with Sarai, so it's her update really. She's now a level 9, and on Triton Avenue. But only because she did Cyclopes Lane first. She finished the entire street today. She died twice, first by Lady Blackhope, then by a cyclopes.

AND THEN she went and sold everything that she could/should. Many of it Suri's and Fallon's, earning her just over 1,000 gold. Then she found that she has a Myth Sprite and a Blood Bat pet (from where, I have NO idea). She equipped some clothing that didn't match in anyway, so she dyed it all light green and dark green. But she's thinking about making it green and blue since her second is in Ice.

Anyway, that's pretty much all that happened. I also saw a Rickshaw mount. I have got to check that out. I'll show you the picture next time.




  1. Alex (is too lazy to log in)July 28, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    That's kind of a brilliant idea. I suppose if you calculated the total number of hair-hair colour-face-skin combinations then you could work out approximately how many people there should be, taking into account the total number of wizards in the game - which is probably a lot... but then you'd have to factor in the boy/girl ratio and personal preference and more common combinations and when hair colour can be linked to school or gender... so yeah! Interesting! :D

  2. Actually, I as thinking of the NPC's, just to see how much KI's NPC creativity lacks. But looking for wizards that look the same is a great idea too! Maybe I could do both at the same time...


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