Wednesday, June 16, 2010


What do you call a man with no arms, no legs and needs support?

What do you call a girl with no arms, no legs and is on a a beach?

What do you call a man with no arms, no legs and is in a pile of leaves?

Your mama's so poor burglers break in and leave money.

Your mama's so dumb she got lost in a groccrey store and starved to death.

Whose José's brother?

Actually, I'm having a sleep over with my best-est buddy. And on the last day of school which was a half day (I think you know that though). We went to see a movie, Karate Kid. Turns out it was not only 1 hour. It was like 2 1/2 hours. So we had to stop the movie in the middle and get back on the bus and go back to school. just in time to get our report cards and get on the bus. So when we got home, my mom and dad offered to take us back to the cinema and finish watching the movie. But I wanted to see Prince of Persia. So me and my friend saw that movie and my parents went and saw Karate Kid. All is well, all is well. Its like, 10:30 here and I'm technically not supposed to be on here.
Oh well.

HAHA! Hope you had a laugh today/tonight!
This is Emma, checking out!!!

1 comment:

  1. isn't Lenora Jadethistle an awesome name? Thats my next wizards name. She is totally Balance.


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