Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Conversation With Myself

Ok, so as this post goes on I will be having a conversation with myself. No particular reason, I just feel like it.
Right Emma. Ok.

See? That would be me talking to myself. Now, I don't have many updates beacuse I've been at school and... 
Wait for it...


I got a free netbook! Granted not for life no. But for this school year I get my personal netbook for classes. It's pretty cool. I'm also blogging on it right now. RIGHT NOW!!

It's also saying everything is spelled wrong because it thinks it's in Germany. Why? Because after I visited Alex's blog with a german post title it thought everything should now be german.

Yay me.

Yay you Emma.

Anyway, I saw the movie Contagion. About how the world is it with an epic epidemic? Yeah. Really creepy and totally sick (no pun intended) but really good.

So on the netbook topic I started two stories. I don't knw if I'll continue either of them because I don't really know where I'm going with them. But I'll put them up here and tell me what you think!!

The Dragon Staff

Chapter One – long awaiting...
Once upon a time there was no sun. There was no light in the world of Langtui. Nothing grew, nothing lived. There were a few earth worms and moles that don’t need light to live, but other than that there were no people and no plants.
Then one day something miraculous happened.
A child was born.
From the Evernight a star fell. This was the first light. The first silver. The first life. The star fell and landed on the hard ground. And from the ground a small green string erupted. More and more broke out of the hard rock and dirt. Each green string gave off a subtle green glow. Then from the center of the green strings bloomed a tall hardy green stock. And the top of the stock bloomed magnificent colored paper that gave off a ferocious glow.
More and more stocks with colorful paper bloomed. Then from the center of the stocks grew an even taller, thick and sturdy brown trunk. It grew tall. Taller than the Southern Stone. Taller than the night it seemed. Sticks burst from the brown trunk and green paper grew on the sticks. Thousands of this green paper grew and together it gave off a brilliant light that could be seen from across the world.
And from this grove was born a child.
The fallen star gave one last breath and died. A child was born in the leaves of the tree. The child was to be set free from the tree and create life.
However the leader of the Dark World did not want light, and people, and happiness. He had seen enough of that already. That was why he had destroyed the Before of Langtui.
So he sealed the tree that boar the child. He sealed it so no light could escape. Then he left. His work was done. Nothing could open the Dark Seal.
However, he would have stayed had he known a second star had begun to fall. It fell also down to the world of Langtui.
It fell right on the tree. The tree bearing the child. It did not break the seal but with the combined power of two stars it broke the forever seal on the tree. The child was free to go, but with a price it could only go when the one released it.
So the stars combined themselves in the sky to create one very large star to light the world. More of the green strings grew. As well has more stocks with colorful paper and large trunks with sticks and green paper. When the first person to awaken was made he named the green strings “grass”, the green stocks with colorful paper “flowers”, and the large trunk with sticks an green paper “tree.” More green plants grew and soon civilization was living among Langtui.
The evil leader of the Dark World wanted his dark world back. But he could not rearrange the stars.
He could not stop the light.
But he could rule. He could rule the people who took away his life. His life of darkness. He was a creature of darkness. The light hurt him. He was dying. It was all the child’s fault. He needed to destroy the child!

Chapter two – the master key
Hurry!” yells Irma. I run harder as I try to keep up with her. We race through the forest and down by the stream and towards the river. Then veer off before hand and dart towards the village. Other children run before me and behind me.
Run Quilla!” someone shouts at my back. “Run!”
I smile and run faster. I quickly make it to the front of the group where all the boys are with Irma trailing right behind them.
You can beat them Quilla,” she whispers.
I nod and start to sprint. I run fast. Faster than ever. I quickly pass the first few of ten. Seven more to go.
Just one to go...!
No Quilla, release me!” cries out a voice in total anguish. In pain. The voice in feminine. It comes from the back of my head. A small whisper yet so loud and knowing. I have to find the voice. It needs me. “Quilla! Beware of him! Release me!” Again. The voice would probably sound sweet if it wasn’t in so much pain. Suddenly an image is in my mind. A girl. Young, about my age. A little younger. She is high up in the branches of a very tall tree. A swaying willow. She looks as free as a bird had black, rusted, glowing chains not been tugging at her wrists. I could not see her face but she looked like she was in pain. The image began to glow. A golden light. I reached for it...
Quilla look out!”
Boom! I crash into the ground on top of someone. We slide into a cart and spill its contents ever where. I scramble up and look around horrified. The person I had fallen on was slowly getting up and rubbing his arm. It just looked scraped.
Oi! Watch where you’re going missy!”
I can’t reply. My mouth is dry. What had I just seen? Who had said my name? Who was calling for help.
Oi there missy! You listening to me? You just ran right inta me!”
Calm it Arnie,” snaps another boy. “You did trip her and all. She didn’t even see it coming. How can ya be mad at her when it was all your fault?”
The boy names Arnie was angry now. He stomped up to the boy who had argued my side. I had been tripped? I thought I had fallen because I had been seeing the picture.
She tripped over my foot! You cannot have this. So stay outta it Jonny.”
Jonny and Arnie. I had been racing them? Jonny could’ve gone on to be a pro racer. Why was he back here? And why was he so young?
A boy with scruffy brown hair comes up to me. “Hello there! Sorry my colleague tripped ya. I’m Jonny Junior.” Ah, Jonny Jr. That would explain why he was so young. He must be Jonny May’s younger brother.
I’m Quintessences. But most people call me Quilla.”
That’s a cool name.”

 And the second story (which I actually started first...)

Once Upon a Thyme

Everyone lived a peaceful life. Of course, as all stories go, no story ever lasts that way forever. The reader waits for the twist in the plot.”
~From The Darkside
Now, I could totally make you believe in some fairy fantasy. Where cute little pixies roam around the enchanted forest making mushrooms grow and flowers. And then the evil queen came and cast a spell over the land to make it winter! But then our brave heroine is brought from a far away world and searches for the Magic Wand that destroys the evil queen! And in the process the heroine and her little animal friends discover that she is the rightful heir! All is well that ends well.
Yeah, if only. If only I didn’t need to go to school every day to learn how to wield Dehtoir Spike. Also known as a long chain whip with small spikes on the chain and a giant spike ball on the end. Very heavy, but of course I can hold it.
If only I didn’t need to learn the weak points in Ogres and Werewolves and where to find Pure Holy Water (you can’t buy in convenience stores here).
Welcome to my world; Thyme. And make sure the ‘th’ is hard. Thyme is pronounced like ‘time.’ It was named after the herb, yes the herb, when it grew abundantly everywhere.
Well, until a few decades ago. Our neighboring country, Salix, decided they wanted to rule over Thyme. So they launched many attacks. But we always were able to make it through many of their battles.
Until one.
It was a late night. Our King and Queen thought the war was over. That nothing more will come. But we didn’t know anything until too late. Much, much too late.
It was a clear night. Many stars out and our two moons, Kestrel and Yi’An, shown brightly as ever. But then a shadow passed over. Darkness was all over the Kingdom of Thyme for a second, then it was bright again.
A cloud? Meteor? Were our moons loosing energy?
No. Much worse. So much worse.
It was Kiel, the legendary feared Shadow Dragon.
How Salix was able to tame the mighty feared and epic dragon still remains a mystery. Let’s just conclude that I was born into a world of terror and war... and still live in one.
We continue to fight for freedom. Many people have formed secret guilds and plan to fight soon.
I hope.
So that is my school. My home. My life. My destiny. To fight. To destroy.
To win.
I have the same dream as everyone who joined the Ever Guild.
I should probably explain why the term ‘Ever’ means so much to people. Our King and Queen were called formally the Ever King and the Ever Queen. The guild I’m in is called the Ever Guild after out King and Queen. They were the best anyone could ever ask for.
They were the first ones who died by the breath of the Shadow Dragon.
Well, anyway. I have my rest now. It’s breakneck tiering training from dawn till dusk. And my trainer is fierce! Rumor has it that when he was young he ate a whole horse for breakfast!
Of course I don’t believe it. A person who ate a whole horse for breakfast every day would be fatter than a bear who spent his life feasting on honey.
And believe me, Master Talu, my trainer, is so not fat.
Anjellica! Angi where are you?” I hear my name being called. I turn around and sigh. Whenever someone couldn’t find me I was always in the same place.
Sitting on a perilously thin ledge hanging over a misty abyss.
Yeah, I’m dangerous like that.
Angi! Anjellica!” I recognized the voice now. It was Ellian, my sister.
Or well, half sister. We were abandoned together, We’re not related at all but we are really close and both train with Master Talu.
I climb off the rock and leap through the stone window into my room just as she bursts through the door.
Ah! Found you. Master Talu wants to talk to all the leading students in the guild. You and I were selected and we’re needed right now.”
Okay. Coming.” We leave and race down the network of hall ways to the atrium where it was already half full. Selected students from all levels were there. At least ten to fifteen from each.
The levels worked like this:
Novice – about ten years old, just starting.
Apprentice – about eleven years old, you work in a larger group.
Journeyman – you are about twelve years old and you are now ready to train for the tournament.
Adept – you are thirteen years old and are ready to compete in the tournament to find a teacher who’ll train you.
Magus – still thirteen years old (unless you failed the tournament, then you keep training as a Journeyman until you can get a teacher) and you train with a select group of students with your Master.
Master – when you’re really old. Or when you’ve graduated from your Master.
Grandmaster – no one has ever reached this level. The guy who devised the levels was a Grandmaster himself so it was only fair that there even be a Grandmaster level. To become a Grandmaster you must live in the wild for three months by yourself.
Ellian and I take our seats with the other Magus’s and wait for everyone to be settled. Eventually everyone is seated and the Council of Elders stand up. The High Master steps forward and addresses the crowd.
Greetings, my wonderful Ever Guild followers. Though some of you are still young novices, I am to tell you this very important piece of information. In three fortnights time we will attack the castle and regain what is rightfully ours!”
Everyone gasped. Novices were excited. They wouldn’t be able to go but still, the idea was exhilarating.
Therefore I have a very important announcement. All Magus’s will start training Apprentices and all Journeyman may begin training Novices as well as completing their own training. It is vital that we gain as many students as we can to Magus in two fortnights.”
More gasping. More chattering. Ellian and me look and each other worriedly. We had been Magus’s for a while now. We were both sixteen. That meant we had been Magus’s for three years! That was a long time. And we still weren’t masters. I looked sadly at my Dehtoir Spike. I would have to say goodbye to it for a while as trained snobbish Apprentices.
I sigh and we leave the room. The week to come was gonna be long.
The next day I wake up, get dressed and head to the East Wing. Then remember I wasn’t training with Master Talu today, I was stuck with a group of twenty Apprentices in the West Wing. I turn around and head there. When I arrive the room is full of chatter and overconfidence.
I clear my throat and yell, “Okay everyone! Shut it!” They quiet down. I look around the range of faces. I hardly knew them. “Alright. I was assigned to your group and I have rules. So listen up or you taste the sting of my Dehtoir Spike.” I hold it up. Casually yet terrifyingly. A few people gasp. “Here are my rules. One, you do not talk back to me. Two, I know what I’m doing so don’t say I don’t. Three, I teach fast. If you can’t keep up, see me after class. If you don’t. it’s not my fault you fall behind. Four, You guys are almost ready to choose your weapons. In one week you will see and test many kinds. Then you will pick one and train with and love it for the rest of your life. Your weapon is your life. And the golden rule, the rule of thumb, whatever you want to call it is this: no weapon, no life. Understood?”
They nod.
Okey dokey. My name is Anjellica Onisel but you may call me Angi. Now go around and say all your names.”
They started around and soon I had heard twenty names I could not remember. I sigh for the billionth time. This was gonna be a long three fortnights.
A week went by. Slow. Painfully slow. My students just couldn’t seem to get anything. I tried to train them. I gave them tests, I made them go over what they’ve learned, I had them read Thyme history. Yet nothing seemed to work. On Thursday we teamed up with Ellian’s group to train.
They seemed to know what they were doing. But I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong!
On Friday night I talked with Ellian. I was gonna have them choose a weapon tomorrow and I didn’t know weather or not they were ready.
How do you train them?” she asks.
Well, I have them stretch, then run, then go through some drills, then over a little history, and end with a review.”
And they don’t seem to learn a thing?”
Well, the during the review they seem to know everything. But then next day is like starting from scratch!” I groan and bury my head in a pillow.
Well, maybe you should try something new. You know? Use the techniques that Master Talu used that you liked.”
I slept calmly that night. They next day I rounded them up and made my announcement. “Alright everyone. We had a slow start and you guys seem to hardly learn anything. However, I believe that you really were listening. Now it’s time to choose your weapons. I will take five at a time ti choose. You’re options are: swords, knives, claws, bow and arrow, whip, starts, staff and fisticuff.”
They looked at me earnestly. Perhaps this was what they had been waiting for?
Alright. You’ve been training with the different weapons lately. You choose a weapon. But choose wisely. This is the weapon you have for the rest of your life. Unless, of course you upgrade it like I did.” I hold up my Dehtoir Spike. “Different upgrades come with different weapons. Again, choose wisely.”
I stepped aside and they rushed forward and grabbed madly at the weapons. I sigh. Someone was gonna get hurt.
Someone screamed.
Wow, I am spoke too soon sometimes. A short girl came over to me crying and holding her hand. Blood gushed from it.
I sigh. “Stay,” I order. She nods. I yell, “FREEZE!” Everyone stops. They were wielding weapons in the most unsafe manner, I thought I might get killed just by looking at it. “What... the hell are you guys doing?” I shriek. “Have you learned nothing?” I groan. “No weapons. Nothing until you know what the hell you’re doing.”
They groan.
Put. The weapons back. Now!” They quickly put them back on the rack. I sigh. “Was anyone else hurt?” People shake their heads and look apologetically at the girl who was still sobbing and holding her hand tightly to her chest. I stare down the crowd. “Okay. Obviously I have to resort to force. Obedience under pain. If anyone, anyone disobeys me, hurts another, or fails to learn, you get a whip lashing. From my Dehtoir Spike!” They gasp. They knew what a Dehtoir Spike was. “That’s what I thought. Now I’m gonna take Stellai to the infirmary. I want you to be quiet. If anyone talks while I’m gone, one lashing from my Dehtoir Spike. Understood?”
They all nod. I nod back in return. “I’ll be gone about five minutes. Stay put. I put my hands on Stellia’s shoulders and guided her out of the room and towards the South Wing.
Running into Jason along the way.
Okay, so why is it a bad thing to run into Jason? I’ll tell you why. Because he is a year older than me and chose Dehtoir Spikes as a weapon.
Then we fricken went and whipped me with it the first day!
It’s like screw him. Then a few months later Ellian told me that her friend’s boyfriends sister told her that he liked me. Which makes everything uber confusing.
Hey,” he says casually.
Whoa! Who got hurt?”
I’m teaching a class of numskulls and Stellai here got hurt.” I guide her past Jason and further into the South Wing.
Hey wait up! Master Talu selected you to teach a class? Over me? Wow.” He seemed stunned. I smirked at him,
Well. That’s nice to hear. Especially after getting whipped with your Dehtoir Spike. Ha! I have one too in case ya didn’t know. So you better back off.”
He seems even more sunned. “Wow,” is all he can say. I almost feel sorry for him.
Anyway. If you don’t have anymore obvious questions that need rhetorical answers then I’ll be leaving.”

Anyway, that's all. They'll be worked on now and then but I'm really hoping to finish TMR and GWB. I'll get TMR part one posted soon I hope. I have to find time inbetween school and my chill time. Though i haven't had a lot of homework yet, I surprisingly haven't had a lot of time on my hands.

On a quick school note: I'm doing an astronomy exstension on quasars. I hope it's good. I'm learning about Doppler shifts and the light spectrum and stuff. It's pretty neat.

You're too smart Emma. (I get that a lot from my friends. lol)

Oh well. Bye!!




  1. That is an awesome story! It reminds me of an MMO :3

  2. Thanks! There not based on any MMO, I guess I spend too much time on the computer. Lol!!!


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