Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ok, Tons Of Updates Here

First of all.... Like the new template? I created a new blog about a month ago under a different name and it had all these totally awesome fonts and stuff. It didn't really click that I could change that on here. Anyway so I just did.


So anyway relating to my last post I said that my aunt was gonna get my that totally awesome gift card?
Well first: I was sick for two weeks =P so I was in wizard101 A LOT. So I have like, 300 xp until I level which would be to level 47!!!! YAY! =D
Anyway so my aunt was on and I asked her about the gift card and everything then she called me and gave me the code and WAH-lA!
So I had to do that thing where you choose what status your clothing should be an all. I chose the level 40 mainly because the level 50 stuff was (sorry) kinda lame besides Rebirth and I didn't want to wait for that. And 100 damage for the staff versus 120? 100 is fine by me. I got my Fierce Fire Hound (or whatever) up to teen and it learned the spell Sprite. So now it heals me! It's so cute! I also entered the pet derby ranked and one first place one, second, third and last twice. And I'm really good at the cannon game no matter how cruel it is. =)
As far as the house goes I finished decorating it and I got Luke stuck in a table. Remember how he appointed me queen and then himself general? Well, he got mad (not really), quite and vowed that we be arch enemies. I'm like: what? So then he went to his own house (an undecorated Wizard City castle) and started decorating.
This is when things got insane for me.
I remember this post Alia posted once about how her friend Cody or something wasn't helping her and it was because it was just "one of those days" where everyone was asking for his help and everything.
So I had that.
A friend got on who asked me to get him into the Crimson Fields dungeon so he could get his Ice Blade. So I got him in. Now I was trying to finish this WC "find the books quest" or something that they have in every world. Well I was stumped on the one in Colossus Boulevard. Not to mention by computer was going ballistic on me and being slow any everything. And then Luke wanted to me to look at his house and I said sure but I really wanted to look for the book. BUT... being the kind and caring friend that I am I went and as soon as I teleported Ian (my ice friend) asked for help. So I said "one second" and teleported to Ian.
He had a stupid minion and a stupid crowns shop minion fighting a stupid storm thing that had 100 stupid health left!
So now I'm stressing out cause my computer is flipping out on me and I have less than an hour left on the computer and I'm breaking out in sweat from my sickness.
I just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

With good news anyway I finished GH. I beat the darn Gurtok Demon and then went in with two level 59 people (one who became my friend) and we beat four bosses at a time.
Crazy right?
So then I was in my house where Luke said I was allowed to beat him (remember, I have a dueling ring) since he had to flee last time for some errand or whatever. So then my level 59 friend ported to me and he was making fun of Luke's name (full name: Luke Skywalker) and then Luke joined the dueling circle, then me, then my life friend (the level 59 one).
So I killed Luke.
Then I got the life dude down to 45 health or something.
I'm so glade KI made Life have weak spells.
*Faints remembering memory*

Anyway, I really think that the attire from the gift card is:
Yeah, that't right. If that gift card had come with crowns I would have stitched it. So now I'm running around in princess attire. I GREW OUT OF THAT STUFF LONG AGO!
So I hope to get crowns form my birthday which is in two months exactly pretty much. I don't know if I'll have a party.
I was gonna have one last year but then I got extremely busy cause 3 of my friends have birthdays around the same time as mine.
So yeah.
It would probably be late. Like in the summer or something. Not that anyone will read this. Maybe one. Or two.
It's not a big blog like some others I kn0w.
Meh, this isn't about that.
On a non-wizard101-related-quick-topic me and my mom are gonna go visit Sugar Houses. No, sorry, not candy stores. I mean maple syrup houses.

Also, the blog I mentioned earlier in this post, the link is: Read : Write : Imagine. Make sure to visit it. It's not so much W101 related. It's more about writing and reading. I got some great books to read and stuff. Yes, I really did read part of A Brief History of Time and The Elegant Universe. Yeah, quantum physics and relativity and black holes and light speeds DO interest me. SO DON'T JUDGE!

Oh. Here are some screen shots I took.
A last, happy ending to a post.

Grace's (my life wiz) cyclops on the wall

First time I saw the whole castle

Read this and the stuff below. If you can... sorry!

When I won first place. =P Awesome right??

Anyway, I think that's all.
Happy wizarding!!


I really need a new profile pic. The one I have was when I was like, a level 40.


  1. Congrats on acquiring the gift card! I have yet to redeem my castle, among other items from my card! Lol. :D Only thing I have was my mount, and my hound. O.o

  2. Lucky! That house must be so. Freaking. Awesome! The picture! :O How big IS it?! I can't get it, though, because of my wrong-side-of-the-Atlantic-ocean-ness. :(

    Still. Loving the new design, 'specially the fonts and such!

  3. @Xinead: Thanks! You should defiantly redeem it soon. But beware decorating... NIGHTMARE! lol. The mounts pretty cool but I find the attire rather weird looking. Wait... i already said that didn't I? =D

    @Alex: That stinks they don't sell them on Europe and Asia and places. And it's pretty big. But after spending a while in it you can get around pretty fast. And thanks that you like it! And I hope you'll be posting more. =D



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