Saturday, March 19, 2011

The One Real Mistake Is The One From Which You Don't Learn

So technically I haven't made a mistake in forgetting to post. But... maybe it's because i keep telling my self to post and then epically failing at remembering, multiple times. So I guess I made a mistake. And I have not learned.


Sometimes I wish the font can go bigger. There is no way in the world I can describe how sorry I am. But when I write or reply to something on FB I guess just saying "There is no way..." is enough to express my sorryfulness.

Now.... on to the excuses as to why I haven't been posting for the past... what? 2 months? *sniff* SORRY! (Just a note: there will be plenty of random sorries all over this post. Read over them if they get annoying.)

I have been totally addicted to a DS game I got which I may have explained in a previous post. It's called Dragon Quest IX Sentential's of the Starry Skies. There are officially claimed (well... maybe not officially claimed) 2 ways that I will die. 1) Laughing and 2) Electronic game fright. I swear, when I killed a boss in DQ.IX I swear I had a mini heart attack.
Just saying.
So I have been playing that game for like, a total of some 52 hours (not straight so don't worry).

And with DQ.IX in my free time, all my other time has been... the... ever... dreadful... HOMEWORK. I have so much math and French homework I feel crushed sometimes. And it takes me a hour PLUS to get home from school everyday. And I have had extremely busy weekends getting together with friends and sleeping in and everything else a teenager usually does.

I did get on Wizard101 twice these past 2 months. Once was a total waste of my time since I got NOTHING done. The second time however was really productive. My aunt (Fiona Searider, level 60, Legendary Diviner [in case you didn't know her name]) was on and she brought me to this dungeon that she had done before. The first few battles I got a total of, what? 100? 150? Xp. LAME! But then the last battle probably gave me... oh i don't know...
10,000 SOME ODD XP!!!!!
Sometimes I think KI is run by a bunch of whack jobs. Good, totally amazing whack jobs though. I mean, look how much Wizard101 has grown.
Anyway I'm a level 46 now and jumping with joy. Then we got in another dungeon who a friend needed help with and I just tagged along. And apparently ANOTHER world is coming out or something like that. Because that boss was like, the world boss or something like that. Idk. Those of you other Legendaries might know. Again, idk.

So after Fiona did that I saw her house. The MASSIVE FANTASY CASTLE house. It was big. And she showed my the transparent walls and everything. And while I as in the middle of all my "oohing' and "aahhing" she was like "You want one?"
Well... that can be interpreted two different ways. It can be like "You want one" "I can get you one" type scenario. Or "You want one" "That's weird why do you want one of these confusing random houses that you get lost in?" Well, I interpreted the second one. And I said "Yeah." And then she said "I'll get you one." And I did the best mouth-falling-to-the-floor impression that I could.
Which would be a O:
So then she was all like "I'll mail it to you" and I was all like "Your the best aunt ever!" But what's weird is that it hasn't come yet. But I don't care. I would wait TEN YEARS if I had to.
That was an exaggeration.
But the concept of an exaggeration is to prove a point. And I think I can lawfully say:
"Point proved." =D

What's a fifth point I can talk about? Well, I guess I just covered all the basic things in my life going on wizard101-related.
I almost forgot!
There was a contest on Stormy Skies that I entered. I can't really remember what the entering choices were but the prize was pretty sweet. Storm wizards, I will admit over the internet where is will remain forever to be accessed by anybody, may be the most powerful, but they have weak defenses and low health which is sort of a MAJOR draw back. The prize was that if you won, Tristan and/or (I can't remember which) Kieran would be your (and I quote) "personal 'slaves' for the entire day." Sounds pretty good to a storm wizard right? And you got to hatch your pet, when they are at adult, with any of their's.
Do most of you know about this? Wouldn't be surprised if you did since it's been out since... December? September?
Anyway I finally check my e-mail and DOT DOT DOT
Low and behold I won. I was like SSSWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEETTT!

Now I think I am officially done with this post. *yawns* I had such a lazy day today. Maybe I can go on wizard101 after this...


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