Sunday, July 29, 2012

Some people just need a high five.

In their face.
With a chair.

No, I'm just kidding, no one needs a chair in their face. That'd be painful!!

Anyway, the point is that I have a hilariously annoying person in my life that makes me laugh so hard no matter what and just makes me want to smack upside their head when they mess up their grammar.

They commented on some post a few posts ago. Anyway, they said I hadn't been on lately, and everyone should know that I've been on plenty lately. Well I got a true friend code that I need to accept, so I was planning to get on for like, two minutes to accept it.

Anyway, I log on, the scene loads, I'm in the bazaar, and then TWO SECONDS after I'm on I get this text chat:

From Nathan Silverflame: ha whats up stranger?

I was like, shoot me now.
I knew instantly that this was NOT going to be a two minute thing.


The day continued with random dueling with his friend in Dragonspyer.

Wait, did I just say DRAGONSPYER!?

Why yes, yes I did.

You see, my hypothesis was wrong. There ARE indeed people still in Dragonspyer. You know, when I'm on they just all turn invisible.

His friend Devin was also around for a while, and she also picks on him for his grammar. HA!

Honestly. He messes that up all the time.

I'm a writer. Grammar is a pet peeve.

Which makes it weird that he said that I messed up my grammar.

I don't think so.

At least I take time to type out what I say. Yeah, Nathan admitted that he typed fast.


Anyhoo, enough about grammar and Nathan.

Yes, Dragonspyer still has inhabitants. Surprising. Stunning actually. I defeated my spiders and collected coal hearts, as well as the Flamewing dragon thing and collected whatever I was supposed to collect from him. Then I go this little furnace thing, and then the ghost guys is all like:

"Oh, since this is your long world quest, we need some things. Why don't you fight eight of those fierce looking Draconian things and collect their armor and make a hammer."

That must be one big hammer.
Shoot me now.


Or high five me in the face with a chair, that way I'll be knocked out, and maybe when I wake up all my annoying questing in Dragonspyer will be done.

That would be pretty sweet as long as you don't break my nose.

Well, I'll officially be gone tomorrow. So, for the week, here's my last!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Sarai's Quest episode one

So Sarai is starting on a quest. She's looking around the Spiral (currently only Wizard City) for people who look alike, and how many there are. She'll be starting the next time on.

So as a quick update, I'm going to a summer camp next week. ALL of next week, so I won't be posting for a while. A long while. But I was on for four hours today, but all the pictures are on the other computer, including the one of the Snow Beast!

It was all with Sarai, so it's her update really. She's now a level 9, and on Triton Avenue. But only because she did Cyclopes Lane first. She finished the entire street today. She died twice, first by Lady Blackhope, then by a cyclopes.

AND THEN she went and sold everything that she could/should. Many of it Suri's and Fallon's, earning her just over 1,000 gold. Then she found that she has a Myth Sprite and a Blood Bat pet (from where, I have NO idea). She equipped some clothing that didn't match in anyway, so she dyed it all light green and dark green. But she's thinking about making it green and blue since her second is in Ice.

Anyway, that's pretty much all that happened. I also saw a Rickshaw mount. I have got to check that out. I'll show you the picture next time.



Thursday, July 26, 2012

fanfiction number infinity

So I've posted chapters one and two of Black Ivy up on a page. They're both kinda long actually. I wasn't really sure where I was going to end chapter one, and when I did it was at like... 14 pages. And then I just barely finished chapter two, and the total page number is 28, so~...

Yeah, both are kinda long.

Make sure you read the synopsis, it'll give you some basic/background information you will want. As I say on the page, chapter one is pretty confusing if I do say so myself. Chapter two makes a little bit more sense as you find out more, and hopefully it'll continue like that.

I really can't wait for the chapter that explains everything! It'll make so much sense it'll make you want to do a facepalm.

Anyhoo, short post. Make sure you read the one right before this one. It's important.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Second Thoughts

Okay, I just realized as of five minutes ago that today is the 25th, the day I said the remodeling would go live. However, now that I'm staring at it face to face... I don't know whether I should do it or not.

What got me thinking was W101 itself. I was playing it yesterday. Aka, I created a new character named Sarai Rainflower, a Life wizard. Aka, I transfered all the items from my other characters and deleted them (Suri, Grace, and Fallon).

And I've been working on Black Ivy a lot recently, and it reminded me how much W101 fanfiction showed me that W101 is not just a game, its a community. A community that's very hard to leave when you consider the choice.

So... I'm gonna delay/maybe-cancel the remodeling. So if your waiting in this lane, no green light is coming any time soon so I advise you to switch lanes.

I know how you're probably feeling...
I feel the same way.

On a happier note:
I took lots of pictures yesterday. Most of them consisting of the Snow Beast pet that FINALLY hatched. I do say that it is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen. It's like a blue chinchilla with bat wings. It flies, but sits when idel. It also curls up and sleeps for a few seconds. It gives Ice Blade as a baby, so I gave it Sarai, who's taking second in Ice.

If I could make this face, I would.
(Just ignore the sinking ship in the background)

Anyway, I was going to get on again today but the rabbit chewed on the mouse chord, so now we have no mouse. Thankfully my mom and I are going out to super-grocery-shop (buying things in large quantities) at a place that sells things from cans of chicken to plasma screen TVs. I think we can find a mouse there.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Generation WizBot -- Part Four -- ejected (and also uber happy)

I'm uber happy? Yup. And not just because the remodeling is going GREAT, but-

First, who remembers my passionate complaints about the lovely SSL Connection error? Yeah, that stupid page that would come up every time I tried logging into something. Some of the pages included the W101 homepage, P101 homepage, blogger login, facebook (for a while), and also yahoo (for a while).

The "for a while" pages were kinda fixed, but they looked really weird. All white with tiny boxes for logging in.

It also interfered with school pages.

Let's just sum it up with: "uber annoying".

However, they are now fixed. I'm not sure I should exactly tell you how, but I finally convinced my parents to help change it when I needed to buy Minecraft ( :] ). Since it's only available on the account that downloaded it, if I downloaded it on my dads side (who doesn't have this problem) I would constantly be having to go on to his side, and I don't know which would be more annoying.

To sum it up (haha, again) I'm writing this post from my own lap top.


I don't really think you guys will be as happy as I am, but this now means you'll see more clips of my writing, and more posts too since the laptop is easier to access.

For example: GWB part four.
At least... I think we're on four.
Let me go check

* checks *

Yes, I am right. Part four.

As a quick over view of what has happened so far:

-- Time has been frozen in the Spiral, all except Fallon Willowstone and Llewella Rubywater. Seeking to find out why, they decide to investigate the strange monster that had been seen around the Spiral. They find him in Krokotopia, also frozen. The area around him seems distorted, as if it were melting.
-- In our world year 2045, a man named Luke Smith finds a floppy disk, an ancient device that stores information. On it is scribbled WizBot - ultimate virus protector. Soon after he tries to download it he receives a mysterious emial from someone named Aalliiee.
-- At the end of part three, Fallon accidentally touched the area around the monster, flies down a tunnel of multicolored squares, and tumbles into small room and into a man. From Luke's perspective a young girl came catapulting out of his computer screen.

Got it? Cool. Read on to find out what happens.


Part Four: ejected
Luke Smith
I gasp as the breath was knocked out of me. I coughed a few times. I was about to push the girl off of me when I realized that she was already as far away from me as possible.
She looked incredibly scared.
I stand up and back up to the wall. She follows my every move with piercing silver gray eyes. But what stuns me most is that her hair is a light purple.
“Where am I?” she whispers. I look at her confused for a second. I had almost thought she couldn’t talk.
“What?” I say.
“Where. Am. I?” She says through clenched teeth. Now she sounds rather angry.
“New York City. Southern end.”
“Not what town you idiot.” I was taken back by her words. “What world?”
“Uh… Earth? What other world would we be in?”
She looks down at her hands, a confused expression on her face. “Did Ambrose discover a new world?”
“Who’s Ambrose?” I ask.
Now she looks at me like I’m the most stupid person she’s ever met. “Ambrose? Merle Ambrose? Headmaster of Ravenwood? Know him now or you just that dumb?”
“Well pardon me for now knowing. But all I know right now is that you just shot out of my computer. You’re wearing the strangest clothing ever seen and you’re pointing a sparkling purple knife at me. Can you just calm down?”
The girl takes a deep breath and nods. I nod too and say, “I’m Luke. Luke Smith. You?”
“I’m Fallon Willowstone.”
“Ok, Fallon. Wherever you’re from I’m pretty certain you’re not there any more. You’re on Earth now. And the only world we know of is Earth. Everyone lives here.”
“Ok. I’m from the Spiral. Can you please tell me how to get back?”
“I have no idea what the Spiral is. And I have no idea how to explain the weird phenomenon of how you came out of my computer. Unless…” I trailed off. I turned to my experimental computer. The WizBot disk had popped out of the hard drive.
The screen now read:
Data disk ejected.
I walked over to the bed and pick up the floppy disk. “What’s that?” Fallon asks.
“It’s a floppy disk. You know. For storing data.”
“Never mind.” I look over the disk. It looks completely ordinary. Nothing odd. Yet since I had found it and tried to download it some pretty weird things have happened. First the e-mail form what’s-her-face and now a teenager girl had popped out of my computer.
What was happening?
Fallon Willowstone
The first thing I noticed when I was thrust out of the tunnel of color was a brief, sharp, pain in my side.
Then I saw this weird shiny layer of see through paper. Like glass. I could see a room and a man in the glass. Then the glass broke as I shot out at him. 
As soon as I could gain my footing I leapt away from him. It took him a few more moments to register what happened before he stood up and observed me.
Apparently I was in some New York City in Earth and Luke was looking at some small, square plate called a floppy something.
I looked around the room. It seemed ordinary enough. There was a bed and a desk and closet. Then there were these black things on the bed. Both had the weird glass I had been looking through before I was shot into the room.
The room also had this aura about it. It was familiar yet drastically different. It was like none of the rooms I had ever seen before.
I put my Bolt Blade in my belt. I tried to ignore the nagging pain in my side. It was dull. Like a small stitch from running too far or too fast. I took a few deep breaths and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?” demanded Luke. I turned around.
“I’m looking around. It’s not everyday I’m thrust into a new world and have no bearings.”
“Fine. Just don’t leave the house.”
The real reason? Sure I wanted to look around. But being in the room with those black things and that small, square plat thing made me feel uneasy. But the feeling doesn’t go away as I leave the room.
I follow a hallway down a flight of stairs. The stairs end right in front of a door. The door window has rain on it so I suspect that this the main entry. I turn past the stairs and head towards a lit up, white room.
I haven’t seen a single candle or book.
Once in the white room I stop and look around more carefully. I do say this place is like no place I’ve ever seen before in my life. I think I saw these kinds of lights in Marlybone before. But they were a dim yellow and they still used mostly candles. These were a bright white and almost blinding to look at.
It was like this place had figured out how to capture the sun in a sphere.
That was actually kinda cool.
Satisfied that this place was safe for now I head back up to the room that I left the Luke guy. He’s putting away the floppy disk thing between some books.
“Is there food here?” I ask. He spins around as if he didn’t want anyone knowing where he had put the disk thing.
“Yeah. In the fridge.”
“The what?”
“The fridge.” He takes in my confused expression and adds, “The place where you keep cold stuff.”
“You mean like the icebox?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
I shrug and turn back around and head back downstairs. Once back in the white room I started opening up cupboards. I figure out which one is the icebox when I’m met by a blast of cold air.
I rummage around in it for a bit before finding an apple. I close the icebox and lean against the counter, at least what I presume is the counter. Soon Luke comes downstairs. He opens a cupboard, not the icebox, and pulls out a bag that seems to contain some assortment of grains.
We stare at each other from across the room.
Finally, I can’t bare the silence anymore. I have to say something. “Ok. So obviously you’re as confused as I am. I don’t know where I am and you don’t know where I came from. I think we need to work something out. Sort of get on a first level acquaintances you know what I mean?”
He nods. “All right. What do you want to know about me?”
I shrug. “I don’t care.”
“Ok. I just graduated college. I’m 22. My parents disappeared when I was seven so I’ve been living with my grandparents. I work for Intel. And this is my first house.”
“Cool. I’m in the Master class at Ravenwood. I’m a Storm Wizard, or Diviner. I’ve had my own house since I was thirteen. I own two actually.”
“Two houses? How?”
“Well, my best friends aunt is like sell-out rich. She bought me a giant house. It has transparent walls and everything. Then she also bought me a second house. I haven’t decorated it yet. And I probably never will.”
“Seeing as you’re here and everything?”
“Well, I think the first we could do I get you some different cloths. You can’t exactly go out looking like… that.”
I look down at my Dragon Uniform. It seemed all right to me. But I had to remember I was a different world. I nod. “Fine.”
Luke disappears up the stairs and comes back down with a large flannel t-shirt and denim pants.
“This is big. But it’ll have to do while we go to the mall and buy cloths.” He hands them to me.
“The bathroom is right down there.” He points down the hallway. I nod and leave.
Luke Smith
She is so weird!
She dresses weird, she takes weird and she has two houses! If only I could afford that. She acts totally crazy. She didn’t know what a fridge was! I don’t even know if she came out of my computer. That’s the craziest part of all.
I swear I saw the reflection of a teenage girl on my computer screen before this random girl named Fallon comes shooting out of it!
Not to mention it’s almost like being haunted. Besides the purple hair, she looks exactly like my mom. Silver gray eyes. Natural tan skin. Narrow face. Long hair. Not to mention mom always said that if she had a daughter she could name her Fallon.
“This is way too big.” I look up. Fallon walks in with what looks like some giant’s cloths on her.
“They’ll have to do. Come on.” She follows me out the door into a heavy rain and to the car. “Open.” The doors open and we climb in. I look over at her and gasp. She’s perfectly dry.
She looks over at me. “What?”
“You’re all dry and it’s pouring rain outside.”
“I’m a Storm Wizard. What did you expect?”
“There’s no such thing as Wizards.”
“You’d be surprised how many things you probably don’t believe are true.”
“Yeah. And dreams are messages telling us stuff about our destiny. Right.”
“Exact… lee…” She pauses. “What did you just say?”
“I said dreams are messages telling us stuff about our destiny.”
“My mom used to say that all the time. Dreams are just your mind wandering into other worlds. Dreams are messages. Listen to them.”
We stare at each other as if we expect either one of us to jump out and say some long prophecy about saving of the world. When neither of us do I turn back to the steering wheel and pull out of the parking space.
We drive about ten minutes through the rain until we come to the city mall. I pull into the garage and park the car and climb out. Fallon all the way had been looking like she had been about to be sick. Now she was struggling with the seatbelt.
I sigh and walk over to the passenger side door, open it and help her. She follows me into the building. Not as many people are here as there usually are. But perhaps that is because it is a weekend on a holiday.
“There’s a lot of people here,” comments Fallon.
I laugh. “You’re kidding! This is almost no one. It’s Abacus Day.” I take in Fallon’s blank stare and suddenly remember that she knew nothing of this world. “Ok. Um, today is the day to celebrate computers. Computers are metal boxes that do very smart things.”
“You mean people made things that are smarter than them to do smart things for them so they don’t have to? That sounds lazy.”
I shrug, ending the conversation.
“Hey Luke!” I look to my right to the pretzel shop. It was Cairine. We had gone to high school together then lost touch in college. Then we had found each other not two months ago, coincidently living in the same city.
I lead Fallon over. “Hey Carrie. What’s up?”
“Not much. Who’s this?”
I look at Fallon. “This is Fallon…” I trail off. I couldn’t remember her last name.
“Willowstone,” Fallon finishes and reaches over the counter to shake Carrie’s hand.
Carrie takes it and replies, “I’m Cairine Lipinski.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. I like your hair.”
Fallon blushes and knocks away a strand of purple hair. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. How did you get acquainted with Luke?”
I freeze. There was no way to explain how she had popped out of my computer. “Well… she is the daughter of my… cousins sister. The… one from…”
“Pennsylvania,” finishes Fallon. She smiles, going along with my lie. Carrie smiles back.
“I didn’t know you had a cousin in Pennsylvania.”
I wanted to say, “Neither did I,” but instead I said, “Yeah. Long distance. Twice removed or something like that.”
“That’s nice. Did she forget her suitcase or something? Because I’m pretty sure those aren’t her cloths.”
“Yeah. Her luggage was put on the wrong plan. I think it went somewhere in Europe. So before we get it back we have to buy her some new cloths.” I smile. Man, I was a better liar than I thought I was.
“Well that’s nice. Have a fun time shopping!”
“Ok!” We part.
Once we’re a good 30 feet away, Fallon asks, “You like her don’t you?”
“What?” I was taken back by the question.
“It’s obvious.” Fallon points to a store. “Is that a robe store?”
Pretty sure that ‘robe’ meant ‘clothing’ I nodded. “Yep.” Fallon smiles and dashes in. We took about 45 minutes in the store and finally she had five new outfits and a sixth one on.
It was a drastic transformation. Out of the almost armor looking clothing she had arrived and out of the baggy cloths that were mine, she looked surprisingly normal in a pair of jeans, white, long sleeve shirt with a silver vest and pair of high top convers.
“You hungry I ask?” It was past six o’clock and I was starving.
She shakes her head. “No. I’m fine.”
“Alright.” I buy a sandwich and a bottle of water and eat as we walk back down along the mall.
As we walk I think maybe this strange phenomenon won’t turn out bad at all.


How was it? I know it was unedited, but deal with it.

So. Two more days huh? And the new blog goes live. I'll have a super long post talking about what kinds of things will be up on the new blog, and maybe somethings that will come up in the future.

Oh, and one more thing. I've been working on Black Ivy somewhat recently. Remember that one? Anyway, you may want to expect to see it when the new blog is here. So~...

See you in two days!!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Red Light


Ok, it took less time than I thought it would, thank goodness. I guess it's thanks to the 4.5 house I spent on it after I wrote the last post.

I quickly decided on a background, which completely changes everything, and looks nothing like a fanblog, but as long as you read my posts, then you know that that's not it.

As for the new title and address... let's get that out there first.

The new blog title is called:

The address will be:

Reminder: the address will not change until July 25, which is in four days. On that day, everything will change.

Since the address may be a little hard to read, I don't know, I find it that way, I'll put it like this:


As for the header, let's see my pain shall we?

I was going for something that looked techy, but with the background it looked weird being this big:

Plus, the gold was way too dark for the background. So I cropped it and made it lighter:

But it still didn't look right. So I started experimenting with different backgrounds. One of them was kinda green so I changed it to this:

However that seemed way to green for everything, and all three of those headers looked terrible with any other background I could use.

Finally I chose this blue picture, and tried a different title. I was also seriously thinking of using a different background.

Butt hen I was like:
"I like my original background. I'll just have to find a different picture."

So the hunt on google images continued. All in all the blog doesn't look techy at all, unfortunately, but perhaps that's not what matters.

Anywho, enough said.
Let's get by four days first, then you guys can see the finished product.



Friday, July 20, 2012

Yellow Light


So, I was completely disconnected from the interent world while I was out at my grandparents summer camp hanging out with my totally awesome cousins.

Also, I think I confused a couple people (*cough* nathan *cough*).

No, I'm not leaving, I'm changing.

Thanks for understanding Cori.
As for Alex, YAY! You're back!! (Finally.)


Anyhoo, this is the warning post. As of today, my remolding begins. One more post will go up a couple days before the changes go public, naming the changes I made. This is really important because if I change the web address and I don't tell you guys, you'll be all confused.

For the most part changing the theme will be easy. It's the header that I'm worried about.

So here we are a' rolling.

A quick peek at what will probably be featured in this new blog:
  • Wizard101
  • Pirate101
  • DragonQuest
  • MineCraft
  • Later: Final Fantasy (hopefully)
  • Later: meh sword/dagger collection
Yup, Ima geek.

I was in Montreal recently with my cousin and we stumbled upon an antique shop. The cutest place in the world with the most fantabulawesome artifacts imaginable. Among them, a replica of a Japanese samuri sword.

Now, those who read my posts know I'm into manga. I also mentioned once that I would really love to go to Japan.

I didn't get the sword this time around, but in a few weeks I'll actually be back in Montreal, and that sword will be mine.

You know, not that I have a violent side to me or anything, * rolls eyes*.

So that's the sneak peak. Please wait patiently while this blog moves under construction.
