Friday, April 20, 2012


Okay, so I know I skipped the last day but-

No!! OCD!!! Aahhh!!

Shut up Calamity.


So Calamity Emeraldsword will be joining me for this blog post.


Her problem is that things have to go in order. Like 1 2 3. Not 1 2 4.

You're evil.

I was explaining why you're freaking out. I'm not evil. You're weird.

So is Nathan.

They're all weird.

So it wasn't a coincidence that I'm Life and Ice, and he's Death and Fire?

Actually, no I did do that on purpose.
For people who didn't notice it, Calamity is the Chrons of Life and Ice and Nathan is of Death and Fire. The opposites.

I knew you did that on purpose.

Nathan, you're not the guest right now. Get out. Okay, moving on...!

Do I get to be in the post?

No! It's Calamity's turn. Get out Alric!


* sigh * Okay, so while I'm in Italy and Greece-

Without us.

Shush. While I'm in Italy and Greece these three will be taking over the blog.
Guys, try not to blow anything up, okay?

Hey, if I do blow something up it's not my fault. I've been trying to come up with a really awesome ninja skill with my second in fire and if I end up making a big explosion you can blame yourself for giving me super awesome mega powers in fire.

You're not a ninja. You're ninja skills are zero. If you were a ninja you'd already be a ninja. I'm on the third to last part. Little late to give you ninja skills.



Suit yourself.

Can I be Chuck Norris?

No one is a ninja. No one is Chuck Norris. Don't make me write up some strict teacher to keep an eye on you guys.Cause I can easily do that.
Anyway, now that these guys have (kinda) stopped talking I'll give you a quick lay down of the schedule.
Today I'm getting on a bus and taking a four hour drive down to the airport (cause it's in a different state) and then taking a night flight over to London where I'll hang out for two hours.

Drink some tea for me.


And eat a muffin.


And a-

Scone, I know.


Then over to Italy and straight to the Vatican City.
Busy, busy, busy, day.
And that's all happening tomorrow.
Sure, I'm leaving today but I'm not getting there till tomorrow. It's a really weird concept.

It is.

You're not supposed to be here.

I know.



Calamity, Alric, and Nathan will do their best to post everyday with news of meh trip. Not all the hotels have wifi so I'll miss a couple days. But otherwise you guys should be kept up to date! My mom also wants me to post so that other people we know can read what's going on.
I hope these three don't scare them off...
Anyway, that's pretty much all there is to it.
Wish me luck!

Good luck!

Good luck.

Good luck?

Not you guys.

I thought not.


I wanna sign too! (So do the others).


- Calamity Emeraldsword
- Nathan Deathblade
- Alric Flame

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